21 | Say No More

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"Okay, fifty-six-year-old presents with pancreatic ductal obstruction and dilated main pancreatic duct. Post-op procedure...yes" Jackson tested himself as we all gathered in one hotel room to fit in some extra studying. Well, everyone but Meredith.

"Dude, give it a rest." Alex told him, "If we don't know it by now, we're screwed. Besides, you've got your magical pencil to see you through."

"He's got a magic pencil?" Cristina asked, "Oh, say more."

Alex picked up his phone and dialed someone, "His mommy brought it."

"Wait. How magical is this pencil? And can it stop that?" Cristina pointed to April who was now crying again.

"Oh, damn it, April." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry." April sobbed, "I'm sorry. This all just got really, really real."

"And man down." Cristina sighed.

Jackson looked up from his cards, "Two men down. First Grey, now-"

"Meredith's not down." Cristina told him, "She's fine."

"Whoa. Shut up." Alex told us, the phone still to his ear, "Dr. Robbins...well, you don't answer my texts. I just want to know if you got Tommy's X-Rays back yet." there was a pause, "Is Morgan, uh, are-are you gonna operate?"

Then, Alex ended the call and grabbed his things, "I gotta go."

"Go where?" Jackson asked, "To eat?"

"No, I gotta go back to Seattle," Alex told us as he left the room.

"What?" April started to sob again.

As I headed back to my room minutes after, my phone started to ring. Pulling it out, I answered it and brought the device to my ear, "Hello."

"Ellie!" I heard my sister's voice, "It's Skylar."

I smiled, "Skylar, hi! How are you? Oh, and thanks for the 'good luck' text by the way."

"Listen..." I heard my sister's voice start to break, "I-it's mom. Ellie, she-she's sick."

My hand subconsciously went over my mouth, "What? H-how sick?"

"I-I don't know yet. We just got her into the hospital." she answered, "This morning she was having trouble breathing and was wheezing."

I gasped, "Sounds like heart failure. What hospital are you at?"

"The one you work at. Seattle Grace," she told me.

"Hold on." I said without thinking, "I'll be right there."

I immediately hung up the phone before rushing to my room, grabbing my things, and running down to the lobby and outside. After bursting through the front doors, I saw Alex a few feet away about to get into a taxi. "Alex!" I called, "Wait!"

He turned to me, "Ellie, don't try and stop me. I have to go."

I shook my head as I threw my bags into the trunk, "I'm not stopping you. I'm going with you."

Alex stepped aside and let me slide into the cab before he got in next to me. "Airport." he told the driver before turning to me, "Why are you going back?"

"My mom..." I took a deep breath, "She's sick. Heart failure I think."

"Say no more." Alex nodded and sat back.

Code Blue | Grey's Anatomy // Book 2 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now