49 | Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital

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Tying my hair back and out of my way as I flipped through my chart, Jackson let out a loud sigh as he walked over, his arms full of binders. "Are you okay there?" Webber looked up from his paperwork at the obviously frustrated Jackson, "You look a little overwhelmed. Anything I can help you with?"

Jackson slapped the binder that he was reading closed, "Can you read everything in my arms and own this hospital?"

"You actually gonna look at those protocols or just keep carrying 'em around?" Bailey walked over.

Jackson looked up at her as he sat down at one of the computers, "Right. Your hernia. I'm gonna get you an answer just as soon as I-"

"Too late." Bailey cut him off, "I already did it, my way."

"That's not...Bailey, you shouldn't-" Jackson huffed.

Bailey shrugged, "Well, you couldn't make a decision, so I made it myself. You gonna get rid of me now like you did Hunt?"

"I didn't get rid of Hunt." Jackson snapped as Cristina joined us, "Why-"

"Sign this." Cristina shoved a clipboard in Jackson's face.

Jackson grabbed it, "What is this?"

"Authorization for a domino transplant," Cristina replied.

Jackson turned to her, "Yes, why am I-"

"Because when you anoint yourself King, it comes with certain responsibilities." Cristina told him, her patience thin and her tone cold, "You have to sign this."

Jackson sighed and started to flip through the few pages that were attached to the clipboard, "I need to know what this is first."

"Well, I could take the time to explain to you how a heart-lung domino transplant works, but by then, both my patients will be dead," Cristina spoke to Jackson in a very condescending way, obviously still mad at him about the Owen thing.

"I know how a damn domino works." Jackson grabbed a pen as April walked by, "Hey, April. Here, take these." he held out a small folder to her.

"What are they?" April asked.

"Hunt left before he could coordinate the recovery teams for your D.C.D. patient." Jackson explained, "So it's just a list of which organs are going where."

April huffed, "Yeah, well, he's not my patient anymore, per his request-"

"I haven't had a patient in what feels like forever." I played with the pen I was holding.

"Just sign this." Cristina shoved her clipboard in Jackson's face again.

Jackson thrust the folder towards April, "Just handle it, please."

Annoyed, April grabbed the folder and took off as Jackson started to sign Cristina's domino forms. "Hey, make sure you sign your own name, not your mom's." Callie walked over.

"Really?" Jackson looked up at her as he handed the clipboard back to Cristina.

"Avery." Alex stormed over.

Jackson took a deep breath, "What?"

"I want to know who the hell sent my kidney flying coach to Seattle when I sent two surgeons to pick it up," Alex said.

Jackson looked at him with confusion all over his face, "Wait. What are you talking about?"

"He's talking about the protocols." Bailey butted into the conversation and picked up one of the large binders, "Look...Pegasus policy states, look, 'Donated kidneys coming from outside a certain radius will be flown unaccompanied, saving personnel hours.' So when the other hospital called, the nurse just told 'em to put it on a plane. Told you they were stupid rules. You should read 'em sometime."

"Oh, great." Alex huffed as he walked off, "Does anybody know what's going on?"

Sighing, Jackson took the binder from Bailey. "Tough day, boss?" Bailey asked as Jackson picked up his stuff and took off.

Smiling, I finished filling out my chart and put it back where it belonged. The rest of my day, however, was filled with more charting. So I did that until it was time for another meeting before we all went home.

Gathered in the board room for what felt like the hundredth time, one of the lawyers from the legal team passed around a paper that we all signed, finalizing that we were now the board. "Well...that's it, then." Arizona smiled.

"We're officially the new board of directors." Cristina nodded.

"For better or worse," Derek added.

Meredith grabbed her stuff as we all stood up and got ready to leave, "Congratulations, everyone."

"Actually, I'd like to share a list of a few things I think are our top priority." Jackson stopped us from taking off.

Callie sighed, "You mean that the foundation thinks-"

"No, I don't, actually...mean the foundation or my mom or these stupid protocols." Jackson picked up the Pegasus protocol binder and threw it in the trash, "I mean me."

"Okay, well...let's just listen." Meredith looked around the room at us.

We all sat back down. "Okay, I'll listen." Arizona agreed.

"Number one, I move that we reinstate Owen Hunt as Chief of Surgery, effective immediately." Jackson started, "Dr. Hunt has agreed to this."

"There were some conditions," Derek added.

Jackson nodded, "Which brings me to my second point. We are reopening the E.R."

"YES!" I practically screamed, earning looks from everyone around the room. I stared back at them, a huge smile on my face, "You think I'm crazy but I have not had my own patient in weeks. I'm going a little mental."

"We will be a level 1 Trauma center again." Jackson continued, "That will be top priority once Owen Hunt is here to share his input. From now on, the foundation will follow our lead. We will tell them our decisions as we make them."

"Well, hear, hear." Callie seemed impressed.

Arizona agreed, "Yeah. No, that sounds good."

"I've got one more thing," Jackson told us.

"Maybe you shouldn't push it." Meredith looked to him.

Jackson stood up anyway, "We are building a new hospital. And that was your vision, not mine. My priority is to make sure your vision comes true. And while it is important that we become a leading center for research and innovation, we have to remember something...we are now officially a hospital run by doctors. That should mean something. It is our responsibility to be the best doctors we can possibly be so that those who come after us can strive to be their best. So...with that in mind, I move to rename the hospital."

"Again?" Cristina asked.

"Why would we do that?" Meredith questioned.

Arizona looked at Jackson, "To-to what?"

"Let me guess. The Harper Avery hospital?" Callie said.

"No." Jackson looked to her, "I propose that we give this hospital a name that can honor the very reason we've come together and been able to do this, a name that exemplifies the spirit of this hospital, but also the depth of our dedication." Jackson picked up his note pad and turned it around to us with a name written on it.

Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital

I couldn't help but smile. "All in favour?" Jackson looked around at us. "Aye" Meredith said followed by everyone else in the room.

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