36 | Bigfoot

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"Just look at them. They're so...fresh and shiny." Meredith commented as we watched the interns get ready for work.

"Laughing, talking. It's pathetic." Cristina sighed, "They're pathetic."

I smiled slightly, "I can't believe we used to be them. Internship was hell at my old hospital."

Cristina motioned for us to follow her, "Come on."

Agreeing, Meredith and I followed her as she walked around the locker room. "Rounds are in five minutes, freaks," Cristina said as we popped up behind the interns before taking off. The looks on their faces were priceless and it would never get old.

After messing with the interns, I headed off to the pit with Meredith and waited for our intern of the day, Heather, to join us. We waited about five minutes before Heather walked in, but she just stopped in the middle of the room and started to look around. "What are you doing?" Meredith asked, bringing her back from her daydreaming or whatever.

"Oh." Heather looks to us, "Uh, I'm sorry. I was...I was just-"

"Never mind. I don't care." Meredith told her, "Go away."

"Help." two men walked into the E.R., "We need a doctor. Help."

Heather approached them, "Sir, sir. Just calm down. Please. Just tell me what happened."

"I think we killed Bigfoot." the second man with a darker complexion said.

Webber, who was talking to Callie, looked up, "Bigfoot?"

"Yeah." the man nodded as we followed him outside to his truck, "I was just having a go at some whitetails, and I heard this scream."

"You shot someone?" I asked.

"I-I didn't see him. I swear." the man told us, "It just happened so fast, and then I saw this thing coming at me, like-like a monster."

"Did you shoot him again?" Callie raised an eyebrow.

"I may have fired a warning shot," he admitted.

The second man nodded, "And I was just heading into town and it jumped into the road. I tried to swerve, but-"

"Wait. You shot Bigfoot?" Bailey asked as we got to the man's truck.

"And then you ran him over?" Meredith added.

Both of the men looked to us and nodded, "Yes."

"Well, where's Bigfoot now exactly?" Webber asked.

"Ohh!" a man in a camouflaged suit sat up from the back of their truck and groaned in pain.


"Guy's crazy wearing this thing." the first man said as soon as we got 'Bigfoot' into an E.R. room to check him out, "I-it's like he wanted to get shot."

"Brooks, get over here and help with the cutting." Meredith referred to Heather by her last name. As Heather walked over and started to cut, the man shouted again. "Did you cut him?" I asked Heather.

"Don't cut my ghillie suit." the man told us.

"His what?" Webber asked.

The man in the suit looked up at us, "It's army issue. Best damn camouflage there is."

The man who shot him scoffed, "Yeah, for war. Not hunting deer. We wear orange coats for a reason."

"Oh, I got it. I got it." Callie got the suit off.

"You know, I myself prefer hobbies like stamp collecting or crochet..." Bailey said as she ripped the man's shirt, "Something that doesn't involve guns and...helpless little creatures. Um, Brooks, escort the gentlemen outside."

"Okay." Heather led the two hunters out, "This way."

Jackson walked in just as they left, "Hi, Dr. Torres, we just heard back about the cadaver nerves, but the longest they have is seven centimeters."

Callie sighed, "Oh, damn it. We need more than that."

"Okay." Jackson left the room.

"No blood in the pericardium," Bailey announced.

"There's definite abdominal guarding," Webber added.

Meredith turned to Heather as she returned, "Brooks, reach into my left pocket. Get my phone. Go into my phone book. Go to 'Shepherd...Nancy, Amy, Liz, and Kate.' Call all of his sisters. See which one's willing to donate a nerve. First one that bites, grab me."

Callie looked up, "Okay, Derek was very clear. He wants to use a cadaver nerve for his hand surgery."

Meredith turned to Heather, "You're on sister duty. Go."

"You're sure you don't need more hands, you know, in here?" Heather asked.

"Nope. We got this." everyone told her.

"We should turn him over," I suggested as Heather left.

Webber nodded. "Yes, see if there's an exit wound."


We got ghillie suit guy into an O.R. as soon as we could and started the operation. "Uh, the bullet's torn through the colon." Webber said as Heather walked in, "We're gonna have to resect this." Webber looked to Heather, "Um...she belong to any of you?"

Meredith nodded, "Brooks, do I look like I enjoy multitasking? What's the report?"

"I-I left messages for Kathleen and Amy." Heather replied, "Nancy hung up on me. I called her back. She hung up on me again so I'm guessing that she's a 'no.' But I did talk to Lizzie, and she might be in. Also, she wanted to know what size Zola wears now. And I thought maybe a 2-T, but that's just a guess. Anyway, can I scrub in?"

"Meredith." Derek walked in, "I just got a call from Lizzie. She's under the impression she's gonna donate a nerve to me."

"Yay!" Heather smiled, but Derek shot her a look, "Not yay."

Derek sighed as he held the mask over his face, "I thought I made it clear, I didn't want my family involved."

"Well, a live donor nerve is preferable, and it's definitely easier to find," Callie spoke up.

"My hand, my sisters, my decision," Derek said.

"The longer we wait, the less chance we have that it will work." Meredith reminded her husband, "And we need this to work, sooner rather than later."

"Sounds like a no-brainer to me." Bailey agreed, "But what do I know? I don't have sisters."

"Who'd you get to make the calls?" Derek asked.

Meredith looked to Heather. "Call them all back and undo what you did. Now" Derek told Heather before he left. 

"Don't undo a thing." Meredith turned to Heather.


"I'm here. I got your page. How can I help?" Heather rushed into the room we were in after the surgery.

Callie looked up as we worked on ghillie guy's arm, "Oh, sorry, sorry. That was me. I needed Grey. I forgot you had her phone."

"Um, well, maybe I can help since I'm here." Heather offered, "I could-I could irrigate that wound or-"

Meredith's phone cut Heather off by ringing. "Are you gonna get that?" I asked her.

Heather sighed as she fished the phone out of her pocket, "Hello. Dr. Grey's phone. Heather speaking. Oh, hey, Lizzie....yeah, I know. She just keeps getting cuter every day. Um...okay. I'll ask. Great. Bye."

"What did she say?" Meredith asked as Heather hung up the phone.

"That Zola's the cutest niece ever and she's wondering if you're visiting for Christmas, 'cause there should be snow," Heather answered.

Callie nodded, "Okay. What about the nerve?"

"Uh, she's getting back to me," Heather said.

Just then, the phone went off again. "Hi, again." Heather answered, "Mm-hmm. I understand. It is a lot to ask. Hey, hang on." Heather picked up her phone which was now also ringing, "Heather Brooks. Hi, Kathleen. How did you get my cell phone number? Sorry. Hang on." Heather switched back to Meredith's phone, "Yes, Liz. I-I have Kathleen on another line. I-I-I don't know if she booked her flight yet. Please don't make me repeat all of that to her. Sorry. The other line's going." Heather huffed as she answered the other line, "Hello. Oh, hang on."

Heather looked up to Meredith, "Dr. Grey, it's Dr. Simpson's office. They want to confirm your ultrasound."

"Hang up. Right now." Meredith told her as Callie and I gave her a look.

After all of this craziness, Meredith was pregnant?

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