3 | Transplant

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Covering my mouth, I yawned as I stared down into the O.R., still watching the twin's surgery. I had been watching for so long and was honestly so ready to go home and sleep, but I had been here this long and it was almost over. Plus, I still had post-op surgery to do so I wasn't going anywhere for a while.

"Okay, we're ready for the final cut," Derek announced as he reached down and made the final slice.

Callie looked down at it, "All right. Separation complete."

The O.R. erupted with applause. "No, no, no, no, no." Derek stopped them, "Not yet, not yet. We still need to check on the motor function. Let's do...two milliamps of stimulation on Andi first, please."

The attendant in charge of the stimulation nodded and turned one of the dials. With a few beeps, the machine started up and Andi's right leg moved. "All right." Callie seemed pleased.

"All right. Let's try Brandi now." Arizona said.

"Two milliamps of stimulation," Derek ordered again.

The attendant did the same thing for Brandi, but she didn't move an inch. "Let's go up to three milliamps, please." Derek sighed. The attendant did as told, and then we waited. "Come on, Brandi. Just give us some kind of movement." Callie begged, "Anything."

Derek touched the bottom of Brandi's left foot, but still no movement. Derek took a deep breath, "All right. Let's go up to four milliamps of stimulation."

The machine whirred again as it was turned up. Everyone watched carefully, and then, Brandi's right foot twitched. "Hey, there you go." Derek looked up and smiled.

The applause continued and this time went on for a while. "Great work, everyone." Owen, who was still down in the O.R. acknowledged, "One step at a time, by the numbers, like we practiced. Let's move."

I watched as Arizona unplugged the twin's from the stimulation machine and helped them move the red team's baby onto a cart so they could be checked up and closed up separately. Now, the post-op surgeries. Everyone in the gallery stood up and made their way out to get scrubbed. Walking into the scrub room, I washed my hands and arms before getting gowned and gloved and heading into the O.R. to start the surgery.

"What's going on, Avery? You should've finished your flap by now." Owen checked in on us, expecting it to be Jackson's turn at the table. However, Arizona, Alex, and I were still doing our part.

"Yet, I haven't even started." Jackson sighed and turned to us before leaving, "Why don't you give me a call when you're ready."

Arizona turned back to Brandi, "Her kidney's completely necrotic."

Just then, the monitor went off. "V-Tach." Webber cautioned.

"Okay, push thirty milligrams of calcium." Arizona ordered, "She's already showing signs of renal failure."

"Her kidney was fine earlier," Owen said.

I continued to do my work, "Maybe something caused an arterial spasm while we were checking the function of the blood supply."

Arizona nodded, "I don't know, but at this point, I don't think it's salvageable."

Alex looked to Owen, "She hasn't had any urine output since she's been in this O.R."

"Did you clear out the clots?" Dr. Webber asked as he moved next to Owen.

"Yes," Arizona replied.

"Were there any adhesions?" Owen questioned.

Arizona looked down at Brandi, "No, the vessels are clear, and yet the kidney is-is dead."

"What if we tried a bypass graft?" Dr. Webber suggested.

"A kidney transplant." Alex spoke up, "We've got the perfectly matched donor right next door. They used to share all three of those kidneys. Th-there'd be no need for immunosuppresants because they're identical twins."

"They'd be saving each other." Owen nodded.

Arizona turned to Alex, "Okay, Karev. It's your idea. Make it happen."

With that, Alex took off to retrieve a kidney for Brandi.

About half an hour later Alex returned with a perfectly fine kidney is a bowl full of ice. "Kidney looks healthy. Are you ready?" Alex set the bowl down.

"Yeah." Arizona gave him a nod, "Go ahead and scrub in."

Alex went to go get scrubbed but ended up giving the transplant to Webber. I had no clue why he did that, but I didn't really have much extra time to be asking questions right now.

"Why aren't we getting any urine?" Arizona asked as we were well into the transplant.

"There's a kink in the vessels." Webber answered, "Papaverine, please."

Arizona looked up for a moment, "Hey, why are you doing this and not Karev? He was the one who suggested the transplant."

"I picked Karev's pocket," Webber said as Alex stood inches away from the table, observing.

Alex cocked his head, "You what?"

"Twice in one day, Karev?" Webber mocked him, "Honest to God...it was like taking candy from a baby. No, that's not right. It's not fair to the baby. It was easier than taking candy from a baby. At least the baby puts up a bit of a fight."

Arizona chuckled as Webber continued, "Removing clamp."

As Webber removed the clamp, a bit of urine squirted up. "Yes!" I smiled, "Oh, we got it!"

"We have urine," Webber announced.

"The kidney's working." Arizona laughed.

Finally, we could move on with the rest of the surgery and finish up. Once the babies were closed and awake, we took them to see their parents; and let me tell you, nothing is more beautiful than watching parents watch their children. Smiling at what they brought into the world. Alex, who was standing beside me, sighed, "I can't believe it's finally over."

"Me either." I agreed, "Two weeks of prep and it's just, poof, done."

Alex nodded, "Wanna grab a drink?"

"Yeah, sure." I agreed and spun around to head to the lounge and change.

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