25 | Certified

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Once you're a board-certified surgeon, hospitals want you bad. I had a few offers, but my top two were Seattle Grace and the Cleveland Clinic. My friend Noah from the clinic had even called to see if I was taking the position, but I was still leaning towards staying right where I was.

"We passed our boards!" Meredith screamed as 'Sexy and I know it' played in the background. Meredith had thrown a party to celebrate, so her house was full of drunk surgeons right now.

"We killed the boards!" Cristina yelled as we danced on the coffee table, "Whoo!"

April, who had drowned her sorrows in alcohol, jumped up on the table and started dance...well, she might have been having a seizure now that I think about it. Just then, a cellphone went off. "Wait, wait, wait. Music" Cristina picked up her phone as Meredith turned the music off and everyone fell silent, "This is Dr. Yang. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Well, that does certainly give me a lot to think about. Thank you so much for calling." Cristina hung up her phone, "Mayo wants to give me a research lab. Guess who's back in the running!"

Everyone screamed and cheered as Meredith turned the music back on. "Whoo! Yeah, Cristina." April yelled.

"April!" Cristina returned as we watched April dance like a crazy person.

"Music. Music." Jackson said as yet another phone went off.

April picked up her phone, "Hello. Uh, yes, this is she. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. Well, yes, thank you. Thank you. Um, thank you so much for the opportunity." April ended the call, "U.V.A. wants a board-certified surgeon so they pulled my offer. Come on. Music. Come on."

Everyone groaned, feeling bad for April. "Music!" April demanded and Meredith turned it on, "Come on! Yes!"


"Here you go, Apes." Alex walked over to the Trauma desk where April and I were standing and handed her some charts, "I was thinking I could take the trauma rooms, and, uh, we could split the beds."

Reaching over, I grabbed some of the charts, "I'm trauma too, Alex. I need something to do."

"I can handle trauma, Alex." April told him, "It was one phone call. It doesn't mean I can't practice medicine. I still have three great hospitals who want me."

"Of course they do, Apes." Alex felt sorry for her.

April gave Alex a dirty look, "Don't call me Apes."

"Karev, come here." Webber waved him over, "You're gonna get a phone call in a few minutes, and not just any phone call. It's from Keith Collier."

"I don't know any Keith Colliers," Alex said.

"He was one of your examiners at the boards." Webber reminded him.

Alex groaned, "Oh, crap. I failed, didn't I? They changed their minds. Son of a-"

Webber chuckled, "Karev, Karev, Keith is a good friend of mine. Now whatever you told him at the boards really impressed him. I mean, really impressed him. He wants to offer you a Peds surgery fellowship at Hopkins."

"Hopkins has the best program in the country." Alex smiled.

"They've already chosen their fellows for next year." April piped up.

Webber nodded, "Which is was makes it so extraordinary. They're adding a position just for Karev."

Alex stared at Webber, "This is you playing some kind of practical joke, then at the end, you're gonna tell me I learned something when I really haven't."

Webber shook his head, "I-I am not joking. I have no skin in this game."

"Hopkins in the dream." Alex smiled.

Webber was so excited, "I know."

"It's really not cool to screw with somebody's head like this. You know that." Alex still didn't fully believe that Webber was telling the truth.

"I know." Webber smiled, "Make sure your ringer's on."

Walking back over to us, Alex set his phone down on the desk and we all stared at it. "He's full of crap." Alex scoffed.

"I don't think so." April disagreed.

"He's gonna call." I was optimistic.

"I'm over this." Alex walked away. But just then, his phone went off. "Oh, my God. Answer it." I picked up the phone and gave it to him.

"Cristina, I made a decision." Meredith walked down the hall with Cristina and I.

Cristina looked to her, "Oh, you have?"

"You're going to Stanford," Meredith told her.

"Oh, you've made my decision." Cristina sighed.

"There's no way you're going to Columbia." Meredith said, "And Mayo's in Minnesota. Please. And since we're staying here, Stanford's only a couple of hours away. You'll come up. I'll bring Zola down. We can get drunk on the weekends. Okay, well, maybe I shouldn't bring Zola. I'll bring Ellie."

I nodded in agreement, "I second that statement. Since I am most likely staying here as well, Ellie wants to get drunk on weekends too."

"Hey! There you are." Teddy rounded the corner and saw Cristina, "Is there anything you want to go over on the conjoined twins before you head out to Boise?"

"Uh, no. I'm good." Cristina told her.

"You sure? 'Cause you're gonna be the sole Cardiothoracic surgeon representing Seattle Grace. Which, I mean, you know, is kind of unheard of for an attending to allow her fellow to do. But that's just the kind of faith I have in you." Teddy smiled.

"Technically, I'm not a fellow yet." Cristina reminded Teddy.

Teddy nodded, "I know. Right? I mean, so just think about all the things that you're gonna be able to do when you are. Tip of the iceberg, Yang. I'm proud of you."

I sighed as Teddy walked off, "I forgot that we were flying out tonight for that conjoined twin surgery."

Meredith turned to Cristina, "You haven't even told her you're leaving?"

"I haven't decided yet where I'm going." Cristina defended herself.

"You just did."Meredith reminded her about the Stanford conversation we had like two minutes ago, "Stanford."

"Hopkins!" Alex approached us. I smiled, excited about what he was going to say since I had to leave right after he answered.

"Uh, Hopkins is not in the running," Cristina told him.

Alex laughed, "Not for you. For me. Hopkins. Hopkins wants me. Hopkins wants me."

"Congrats." I smiled.

Cristina turned to him, "Johns Hopkins, the hospital? Not Hopkins refrigeration school?"

"Alex, how?" Meredith asked.

"I kinda bitched out their Chief of Surgery at my boards, and I-I-I guess he was impressed," Alex explained.

"So they know you're a jerk?" Cristina asked.

Alex nodded, "They totally know, and they want me. Hopkins wants me."

"I'm not surprised at all." Meredith smiled.

"I am one hundred percent surprised," Cristina said and Alex nodded as he turned to leave. "Hey." Cristina stopped him and gave him a hug, "Nice work, evil spawn."

Alex stared at Cristina after, a little shocked that she just hugged him, before turning and walking off, "Whoo! Yes! Hopkins!"


"Oh, we can add spaghetti Wednesday to the list of things I'm not gonna miss about this place." Jackson groaned.

"Are you kidding? Best deal in town." Meredith chuckled, "I've watched Alex go through six bowls already."

Alex looked up from his food, "True that."

"Hey, I hear Stanford has a farm-to-table chef." Meredith tried to persuade Cristina, "You can text your order right from the O.R."

Cristina pushed her food around her plate, "Well, I'll factor that in. I still haven't made my decision."

"Well, it's gotta be Stanford." Meredith picked up her drink, "Where else would you go?"

"I don't know. I might stay." Cristina said, "Everything's on the table."

"She like-a the spaghetti, too." Alex joked and we all chuckled.

"Tulane's got crawfish." Jackson talked about one of the hospitals he was thinking of going to and we continued to laugh, "I mean, that's a selling point. U.S.C....I mean, what-what do they eat in L.A.?"

"Souls," Cristina told him.

I smiled, "They eat healthily. I mean, like, freakishly healthily."

Just then, April's phone went off. "2-1-2. It's New York." she looked at it.

"Mount Sinai," Meredith said.

"Answer it," Cristina told her.

April shook her head, "Bad news is only bad news if you pick up the phone."

Sighing, Cristina grabbed April's phone and made her voice all high pitched, "April Kepner speaking."

"Cristina," April warned.

"Oh, really?" Cristina spoke into the device, "Okay. Okay. Oh, my gosh. Okay. No, no, no, no. No, thank you."

"They-they didn't pull my offer?" April asked as Cristina hung up the phone.

Cristina shook her head, "Oh, no. They did. I just figured that's what you'd sound like in the face of rejection."

"Hey, you want my fries, Apes?" Alex felt bad for her again.

"Not if they're pity fries." April snapped.

Alex held them out to her, "They taste the same."

"No, you still got Case Western and Seattle, right?" Jackson told her, "You're gonna be...fine."

"Uh, so what does Sloan think about Tulane?" Cristina asked Jackson.

Jackson shrugged, "He hasn't weighed in one way or the other. There's something wrong with him. I think he's disturbed or something. Then again, I've been pretty disturbed myself these days." he stared right at April as Lexie got up and left.

April's phone rang again and Cristina grabbed it, "2-1-6. Cleveland."

"Maybe Case Western's offering loan assistance," Meredith suggested.

Cristina held the phone out for April, but she didn't take it. "This is Kepner." Cristina answered the phone as April again, "Oh, yeah? Well, you know what? I am an awesome surgeon. And I would've rocked your stupid little program so it is your loss. Go to hell!"

Everyone was silent as Cristina hung up the phone. "Hey, it'll be okay." I told April, "Maybe Owen will give you a job here. If not, you can always just take the boards again."

Code Blue | Grey's Anatomy // Book 2 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now