12 | Women Always Know

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The pit. No one wants to be sentenced to the pit for the day; but here I was, suturing and cleaning up people's superficial wounds while my friends were elsewhere working with tumors and actual injuries.

After a long morning in the pit, I escaped as soon as I could and took refuge in April's office. Not long after though, Cristina joined, looking for food because what the cafeteria was serving that day; you couldn't really call it food.

"You try the cafeteria, too?" Meredith entered.

"Jambalaya?" Cristina scoffed as she dug through April's mini-fridge, "Disgusting. Why do they even try? April's got, uh, yogurt. And leftover something."

Meredith took the yogurt, "Ohh."

The two of them sat down beside me and started to eat their stolen lunch. Meredith opened the yogurt, "So Lexie removed a tumor from a woman today, and now Derek's all worried that we gorked her."

"Did you?" I asked.

"No," Meredith responded.

Cristina huffed, "Well, I've spent the entire morning with Owen's stupid nurse."

Meredith looked to her, "Owen's nurse."

"The stupid I.C.U. nurse." Cristina corrected herself.

"Well, that's not what you said," Meredith told her.

"Oh, and you know what? This is really good." Cristina changed the subject, "Kepner can cook."

"Freakin' jambalaya day." Alex stormed into the office and headed for the fridge, "It's like a hardy bowl of salmonella."

Cristina looked to him, "Hey, how long have you been screwing the intern with the preemie?"

"What?" Alex asked.

"Morgan?" Meredith questioned. Morgan was the intern who had been helping Alex study. She had had a heart attack a few days earlier and given birth at twenty-four weeks.

"I am not." Alex denied.

"Uh, well, you both were in the on-call room this morning..." Cristina hinted, "...before dawn."

Alex nodded, "Yeah, studying."

"You're feeding her," Cristina added.

Meredith gasped, "Alex. No. Bad dog."

"Shut up." Alex huffed, "I mean, she's...my intern and she's a patient."

"This is gonna turn out like Rebecca," Meredith said. I raised my eyebrows, having no clue who Rebecca was.

Cristina nodded, "Oh, yeah. Smashed-up face? Oh, that-that was bad."

Meredith took a bite of yogurt, "Yeah, she's gonna fall for you, and then she's gonna go crazy and then she's gonna pee on my couch."

"Oh, gross." I giggled, "What the hell, Alex?"

"Go to hell, the three of you," Alex told us before leaving.

"Okay, just keep her off my couch, please." Meredith called after him before turning to Cristina again, "Are things with Owen any better?"

"Is that my turkey casserole?" April walked in and took the container from Cristina.

Cristina took one last bite, "Oh, yeah. How do you keep the crunchy onion things so crunchy?"

"I put them in last." April answered, "Come on. I looked forward to this all day."

"Delicious," Cristina told her.

"Stop Facebooking my mom, all right?" Jackson entered and told April.

"Uh, I'm not," April remarked.

Jackson too walked over to the fridge, a popular attraction for the day, "Really? Then how does she know I broke up with Lexie, hmm? Why is she here trying to hook me up with some junior urologist?"

"Hey." April shouted at Jackson as he stole more food, "Hey, those are mine. They have electrolytes."

Jackson ignored her, "I showed her around half the damn hospital before I realized I was on a blind date."

"You told me to unfriend her." April sighed, "I did."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. As April opened it, a woman stepped into the room. "Hi. I'm looking for doctor Avery," she said in what sounded like it might be a British accent.

"Oh, yes. He's right there." April pointed to Jackson.

"Oh. There you are." said the woman.

Jackson stood up, defeat on his face, "Yeah."

"Shall we continue?" she asked.

"Let's do that." I could tell Jackson regretted every word that came out of his mouth, "That's great."

"You're girlfriend's hot!" I called after him with a giggle.

April turned to me, "B-but, you're his girlfriend."

"I'm joking, April," I told her.

With that, April left and closed the door behind her. "Cristina?" Meredith asked.

"Drop it." Cristina sighed as she stood up.

"We were talking."

"No, you were talking. I said drop it." Cristina countered and headed for the door, "I'm fine. Everything is fine, really."

Women know...they always know. When I first heard that Cristina thought Owen was cheating on her, I thought she was crazy. With no solid proof, how could she know? But now that I'm in that very position myself, sitting in my room staring at the wall, telling myself every reason why I was wrong, I couldn't shake the feeling that Jackson was doing something he shouldn't be.

I mean, we had just gotten back together, he couldn't do something like that, could he? He loved me. He told me to my face that he loved me. But, no matter how many times I remember this, the feeling was still there. I knew. Women always know.

Code Blue | Grey's Anatomy // Book 2 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now