34 | Welcome Back, Cristina

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I could hear my phone ringing as I opened my eyes that morning. Yawning, I pushed the covers back and left the warmth of my bed. Picking up my phone from the side table, I answered it, "Hello." I groggily spoke as I slipped my feet into my slippers and threw my housecoat on.

"Ellie, it's Meredith," Meredith spoke as I made my way to my kitchen to make some coffee before I got ready for work.

"Hey." I tried to sound somewhat cheerful, "What's up?"

"Cristina's back!" she replied.

My eyes widened, "What? Like...back, back? Like, staying here and coming back to the hospital?"

"Pretty sure, yeah." she replied, "Anyway, I have to get Zola ready. Just thought I would tell you the news."

"Well, thanks. See you later." I smiled and hung up the phone.

After moving into my own house, it felt weird. I was completely alone. I didn't have roommates like at Meredith's, and I didn't have paper thin walls between me and my neighbours like in the other apartments I had lived in. Granted, my house wasn't large, but it was just the right size for me. I had been thinking about getting a pet or something, but all I really wanted was a dog and I knew that I wasn't home nearly enough to be a responsible canine owner.

Sighing, I poured some coffee into a travel cup and left it to cool a little as I showered and got dressed for work. About ten minutes later, I was ready and out the door. 


"Ah, you're here." Owen smiled as I walked into the E.R. with my scrubs on and ready to work, "We're pretty busy today. Also, Cristina's back."

"I heard." I nodded and put some gloves on as I stepped over to a patient along with Meredith and Alex.

"Brian Danziger, seventeen, he passed out in first period English." one of the interns, Stephanie, handed Alex the chart since this kid was technically also Peds, "Uh, severe abdominal pain, tremors, and he's hypertensive. His parents are on the way."

"Brian, were you drinking this morning?" Alex asked as he looked at the kid's chart, "Did you take anything?"

Brian moaned in pain as Meredith and I examined him, "No, I don't take drugs. Oh, God! What's happening?"

"He's distended, and he's got tenderness in the upper right quadrant," I said.

"Does he look jaundiced to you?" Alex asked.

Meredith nodded, "A little. Brian, I'm gonna need you to lie back down, please."

As Meredith pulled her hand away from Brian's head, a clump of hair came off into it. "Oh, guys." we looked at the clump of hair she was holding. Alex turned to Stephanie, "Uh, all right. Make sure you get L.F.T.s, coags, a tox screen, and an abdominal C.T."

"Edwards, what do you think this is?" I used Stephanie's last name.

Stephanie thought for a moment, "I think...I'm sorry. I don't know."

"That's all right. We don't either." Alex told her, "For all we know this kid could have dry rot."

Alex shot Meredith a look before leaving, "Is he still going on about the dry rot?" I asked. Alex was trying to buy Meredith's old house, but he wanted her to fix it up first. "Uh, yes." she groaned.

"You were supposed to tell us when Brian Dalzinger's labs came back," Meredith told Stephanie.

"Oh, I thought I was supposed to tell Dr. Karev." Stephanie said, "I should've told you, too. Uh, Brian Dalzinger's labs are back-"

"Get away from me," Meredith told her.

"Oh, not fair." Cristina approached us at the desk and sat down, "You are the scariest one. That was always supposed to be me."

"Cristina!" I smiled, "Welcome back."

Meredith sighed, "You shouldn't have left."

"I'll establish dominance." Cristina assured us, "Maybe I'll use one of the classics."

"How was Owen?" Meredith asked.

Cristina scoffed, "You mean Chief Hunt? The husband formerly known as Owen is now just my employer. He gave me the orientation packet."

Walking up to us, Alex handed me Brian's chart and Meredith and I looked at it. "Um, Brian Dalzinger's sedated."

Meredith told Alex, "His B.P.'s down a little."

Alex nodded, "Yeah, tox screen's negative. His L.F.T.s and I.N.R. are elevated. Did you get a good look at his liver?"

"Oh, the prodigal Yang returns." Jackson sat down at one of the computers, "We've missed you."

Cristina stared at the other computer screen as she did something, "Yes, hi. Blah, blah. pleasantries. Hey, uh, what do you know about the new Cardio Chief...Jeff Randall?"

"Russel." Jackson corrected her, "Nothing."

"Yeah. No one named Jeff has ever done anything substantial." Cristina sighed.

Jackson looked back to the computer, "Hey, Karev, when you buy Mer's house, can I get my old room back?"

"Nope. No roommates." Alex refused, "We're not in college. We're real people now."

I nodded, "I have my own house now...it's very lonely. I'm thinking about getting a pet. Maybe a fish."

Alex chuckled, "Fish suck."

Cristina turned to Meredith, "Wait. You're selling him your house?"

"I might not. He wants me to rip out the floors." Meredith answered.

Jackson raised his hand, "I'll take the floors as is."

"Jackson," April called over and Jackson made a mad dash for it.

"Why don't you shack up with Kepner?" Alex asked Jackson as he ran, "You guys are always boinking anyway."

"Where is he going?" April walked over.

Cristina looked up at her, "Away from you, it seems."

"Cristina, glad you're back." April smiled.

"You still doing it with Avery?" Cristina asked.

April huffed, "Does everybody know this now?"

"God and everybody." Cristina joked.

April laughed, "Four whole seconds I was glad you were back."

Cristina waved as April went to track down Jackson, "Mm. I gotta go meet this Jeff Schmuck."

"You were right," Meredith said out of nowhere.

"About the floors?" Alex asked.

Meredith shook her head, "About the liver."

Alex and walked over to the screen Meredith had pulled up. "Oh, crap." Alex sighed.

Code Blue | Grey's Anatomy // Book 2 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now