Chapter 6

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Ace's POV
I'm in a blue room with and locked iron door. I try to move but I'm chained to the wall. I could hear voices but it wasn't clear. I whimpered and I just wanted someone to help me. I then feel something stab me in the back. I look back and it was Jason with blood all over him. My eyes widen and I start feeling more pain than ever. I was freed but I was in to much pain to do anything. I hug myself trying to put the pain away. I then hear a clear voice. "AESLINN!?" I couldn't tell where it was coming from.

I then open my eyes and Alex was there asking all these questions. I shuffle back on my bed away from Alex. I had fear and tears in my eyes. I was so scared of him that I didn't even want anything to do with him. "Aeslinn, what's wrong? Why are you so scared of me?" Alex asks and he try's to come close to me. I get in the corner and cry. Alex sits next to me and speaks in a soft voice. "Hey, today's Friday. Just get over with today and everything will be ok, alright?" I nod not making eye contact with him.

I head out the door not eating anything mostly because Alice had left and I wasn't in the mood. I get on the bus and just stare out the window. I start humming some song. I then sing in a low enough voice so only I heard. "I feel fine again..."

I sang but only to calm me down.

The bus stops at the school and I get off. This time I didn't hear the laughing around the corner. Since the bus got here earlier than normal I had sometime to sit and calm down. I then hear some footsteps become more louder. I hold my backpack close as they come into view.

It was Jason and he sits next to me. "Hey Ace.. Is something wrong?" He asks. I look at him with solid black eyes then turn down. "I'm not ok. I'm just a mistake.. I am a fallen, broken, evil, angel. I was just used for nothing but for everything at the same time. I was just a piece of a picture and now I've made the picture break." I sigh. He looks at me with wide eyes again. "YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE!!" Jason holds me up. "YOU ARE THE ONE THING THAT MAKES MY WORLD GLOW EACH AND EVERY DAY SINCE I MEET YOU!! You are the most beautiful, amazing, loving lady I have ever seen." He turned a little red. "And nothing will ever change that." He then puts me down and starts walking off. "Do you mean that as much as you meant it in the bar?" I ask with a small smile on my face. "But.. I" He turns to look at me. "I thought you were drunk?" He stares at me with a confused look. I walk up to him and smile. "I was never drunk, and I might have told you I'd never tell but.. the kiss, was on purpose." I say and walk pass him. We both turn very red and he starts to follow me.

I get to my class and we have a test asking about ourselves. I just dealt with it and did it. At the end of the day I walked outside finding Jr, Lina, Becky, and Alex there. "What did I do this time?" I asked as I walked up to Alex. "OH MY GOD, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND YOU KISSED HIM!!?" Lina asked. Lina and Becky were jumping up and down with sparkling eyes. "Uh...." I look at them like they don't know what their talking about. Jr steps up. "Well, I heard you kissed Jason at the bar last night." Jr chuckled.

I immediately look at Alex. "Alex, what did you do or say?" I ask but he just shrugs. "I didn't do it this time." Alex speaks. Then Jason comes up. "Ok, HOW IN THE WORLD IS EVERYONE FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS!?" Jason looked a little bit mad. "Go ask Sinny." Jr says grinning. My eyes widen and I look over in the direction of where he was pointing. It was this little demon guy. He had a sign with him that said "Wandering is a terrible sin" I walk up towards him and this other girl. "Sinny!?" I ask. "Hey, it's been a while Ace." He smirked. "Hi Aeslinn." The girl spoke and she looked familiar but I couldn't tell. "WHO DO YOU THINK--" "Shh, their my friends." I say holding up a hand in front of Jason. He than stopped in his track's. "Oo, nice one Ace." Sinny smiles. "I can tell you don't remember me but I'm Apple." The girl said. I knew they looked familiar but I couldn't tell before. "I remember you both." I smile and then Jason walks off.
So those are actually two of my friends and you can check them out. Sinny is PamShockey and Apple is AppleBuddy556 so go check them out.

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