Chapter 4

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Ace's POV
     I apparently fell asleep because a wake up to my phone singing. -_- I crawl to my phone because I couldn't feel my legs to well. I turn the song off and look at the time. 4:08. I turn off my phone and crawl on the couch and lay on it. I then got a text. "Who could be texting me at this hour? Actually, you would be texting me at all?" I thought as I look on the texts. There was two texts so I checked the first text that was at 3:47 and it said *Hi, it's me Jason, I'm sorry about earlier I should have left you hoodie alone and I should have just not came to your house unexpected. I'm also sorry for this text and if you want to know how I get this stuff it's by your cousin Jr, and I'm sorry for everything." Well, that one was weird. Then I went to the next one witch said "Hello, you might remember me, you might not but I'm your old middle and elementary school friend. Been a while huh? If you don't remember my name it was Sinny, and I'll be seeing you soon." I just stared at the screen for a bit then turned it off.

      I crawled up the stairs with my phone and I sit on my bed. I lay down for a little while then decide to text them back.

Ace: Hey it's ok Jason, just my legs are feeling a little sore.

Jason: Really, are you ok?

Ace: Yeah, but I have to crawl around. I bet they'll feel better in a little bit.

Jason: ok well, get better soon.

Ace: Also, is there any other information you have on me that I need to know?

Jason: Uh... Yeah, that you have wings, a fluffy demon tail, cat ears, and a halo.

Ace: 😶 That much, all from Jr?

Jason: Yup

Ace: That little betrayer.

Jason: It's nice to know though.

Ace: -._-. Seriously?

Jason: ....

Ace: It's fine. Anyway, night.

Jason: Goodnight.

I lay in bed then my alarm goes off for 5:00. I look over at my phone as it charge. "Are you kidding me." I sigh then get out of bed. I actually held myself up this time. My legs hurt some but I was mostly fine. I turned the alarm off and went downstairs. Alice was getting everything ready as I got down there. "Hey Alice, can I help with breakfast?" I ask as I get to the kitchen. "Sure, but why are you up so early?" She asked as I set myself on the counter. "Alice, there was a fight yesterday afternoon before you got home. A friend of mine came over and Alex became the over protective brother for me even though he was only a friend." I explained everything to her and she nodded. "Did you know that I was actually bullied sometimes as well but Allison was always there to protect me just as our brother protects you." She smiles and starts cooking. "Well, not only that but he also hurt me as well... He threw me to the wall and I couldn't feel my legs to well.. I still can't a little." After I said that her eyes widen. "What!? ALEXANDER!!!?" She yelled and Alex came tripping down the steps trying to put his shoes on. "I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN TO LOSE AESLIMN. I WOULDN'T THINK SHE'D RUN AWAY!!" He falls off the first step then got back up and ran into the kitchen. He saw me than sighed "I'm sorry Aes--" "Nope, I don't want to hear from you, you made me bleed and I don't want to talk about it." I cut him off and he just walks out. "You know, he's still your brother, you've got to give him a chance at some point." Alice said and she made a point. "I know just... he's been a jerk lately." I say and she nods "I understand but just go talk to him." She smiles and I nod.

     I walk out of the kitchen to find my brother on the couch dosing off. I walk up behind the couch and yell. "BOO!" Alex jumped up and turned around. "Really? You think that works?" He chuckled. "Well, you jumped so I guess so." I smile and he just laughed. I go around the couch and sit next to him. "I am sorry about yesterday though." He said as I got settled next to him. I was a very forgiveful person so I forgave him.

-~*Time Skip*~-

      We finish breakfast, my legs felt better so I head to my room, grab my pocket knife and phone, and run back down. I take my hoodie off and grab my backpack. I run off onto the bus and listen to my music. I hum along to the song. When I got off the bus and I here the same laughing again around the corner. I check around the corner and I was the same thing but they where making Jason blush.

     I walk up to them and ask "What are you doing this time?" I have a smirk across my face. "Hey look, it's the girl of the hour." The gang laugh. Jason blushes more. "Will you please leave her alone. She's not a part of this." He said and put on his hoodie. "It's fine, but what made Jason blush so much?" I ask and the gang laughed. The leader spoke "Well, we heard about yesterday after the incident and we went messing with him." "CUZ THAT WHAT WE DO!!" One of them said the the rest of the gang shouted. "SHUT IT JAKE!!" "Just saying." Jake chuckled. While they started arguing Jason took my hand and ran for it. "WHA!?-" I peeped but he ran to the back and let's me go. He smiles at me with pink cheeks. I smile back. "I see your not wearing your hoodie." He said as he petted my ears.

     I prr not trying to but it feels nice. He keeps on doing it and asks. "Do you not like it?" He stops. "No, it's ok. At least my ears feel warm from you petting them." I smile. He smiles back and continues. He then puts his fingers threw my hair and I blush bright red. "Uh...." I stutter and he asks. "Does it feel weird?" I nod a little and he starts to just pet me again.
     It's a little weird but She's a cat so it's normal for her ok. I'm going to go now because no off to another CHAPTER.. *Also, if you have any suggestions for a title for this chapter.*

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