12 (Not really sure anymore)

15 3 39

Ace's POV (Again)
     I wake up and I look at the time. 5:30 My alarm was late so I jump out of bed and got ready. I run the brush throughw my hair twice, throw my uniform on, grabbed my pocket knife and backpack, then ran out the door.

     Jr, Lina, and Becky were already there at the bus stop. Lina and Becky where running around Jr but he didn't care since he was on his phone. I get up to them and ask. "Hey, do any of you know where Alex is?" "No, I thought you would know." Becky said while Lina bumped into her. "Well, I don't. He's probably out with his friend." I sigh then stand at the bus stop.

     When the bus came we got on it, I got my headphones out, and plugged them into my phone. I listen to some music that I long for. "Today I don't feel like doing anything.."

     I then here the bus come to an complete stop and kids were getting up. I stand up, get off the bus, then feel something breathing on my neck. I blush and chuckle. "You know it makes me blush when you do that. Heh.." He then holds my shoulders and whispers in my ear. "But you don't know how much I love you.." The voice wasn't Jason, I went to get out of his grasp but then hear a sound. Next thing I knew was black.

     I wake to feel that I was chained up. I was on the floor with my arms up being chained. The floor and walls were stone, I tried to get out of the chains but it was no use. I could see my breath to the fact that it was so cold.

     I was there for a little longer, then I here screaming and see blood crawl on floor towards me. I look up and a male was coming near me. I back up to the wall real quick and hold my legs close. He was a tall male, with black hair, he had his eyes closed so I couldn't tell what their color was, and he had blood all over him. He then chuckled "Don't be afraid of me. After all, we'll be together soon..." He came close to me with open eyes. He had blood red eyes with black pupils He got down to my level and took my hands. I moved my legs under me and he moves closer. He then let's go of one of my hands and runs his fingers through my hair. I blush since it was also a sensitive spot. He holds the back of my head and kisses me. I push him away not wanting anything to do with him...


Jason's POV
     It was at the end of the day and I didn't see Aeslinn at all. I went over to her friends and asked "Anyone know where Aeslinn might be?" Sin held up his sign "What, you have a missing girlfriend?" -._-. I give him the death stare then look back at Apple. "No, but I did see this guy with her earlier this morning. She thought it was you which I didn't know who the guy was which also means she probably didn't know.." Apple explained. "WHAT!! What in hell did this guy do?" I ask with tons of thoughts in my head. "Well, he took her shoulders then she passed out from something... He saw me watching and I then ran off to class." Apple said. I freaked out a little bit as she said that then I asked. "Did you see where he went?" Apple just shakes her head. "No, not other then out of the school grounds with her." I step back so shocked then I run off.

     I get to Aeslinn's house and walk to the door. I knock and Jr opens the door. "You want to know where Aeslinn is, correct?" He says. I nod "Yes.." looking at him suspiciously. "Ok, then go to the creepy stone house at the end of the road." Jr said turning trowards the end of the road. I look over there and it was the classic scary looking house. It was all black, with the gate a little open, and the fences were iron bars painted black. -_- "You call that creepy?" I ask and Jr just laughs. "No, but Lina and Becky do..heh." I sigh then continue down the neighborhood.

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