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Kiana POV

It's been six days since I stormed out on Killian, and six days since I found out he was forced to have sex against his will. I haven't talked to him because I know that what I did was wrong and it just keeps replaying in my head.

"Loved? You don't love me anymore?"

"No, I don't."

I don't lie and I am disgraced that I did. I broke his heart, something I promised to never do. I know I can't avoid him forever, we have a meeting today about what's been going on as far as the business the disention between us is noticed by our men. If other gangs notice they might think that we're weak. That's what I'm getting dressed for now. I have to look put together and not like I've been crying for the past week. I just... Don't know how I'm going to fix it, I miss him but, maybe we just aren't meant to be. I fucking told him that I didn't love him.

"Why did I do that!" I yell punching a hole in the wall.

I put my hair in a ponytail and right my clothes.

I put my shades on and clear my head and ride the elevator down

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I put my shades on and clear my head and ride the elevator down. Waiting for the valet to get my car I think about what I'm going to say. How about 'hey kill I found out you were raped and I lied about not loving you. Will you take me back?' No that won't do.

"Here you are boss." The valet says. I nod and give him a hundred dollar bill.

The meeting is being held at the clan hall. So I make my way there. When I walk in I see Kill's family and then mine but, they're not separated on two sides. It's mixed like one big family. This is going to be a long meeting. I mentally roll my eyes. I take off my glasses and sit in the only seat left which is the one across the table from Kill. Great. I sit down and as soon as I do my father starts talking.

"Kiana Teuila Wright no one has seen you or heard from you in a week. Where the hell have you been? We've had people out combing the streets looking for you." He asks concerned.

"Firstly, it's only been six days. Secondly, I was at the Moretti hotel. I didn't want to be found." I say bluntly.

"That's where you've been this whole time?" Niccolo asks me.

"Yes sir." I respond.

"Eravimo tutti preoccupati per te figlia." He says. (We were worried about you daughter.)

"Mi dispiace padre." I say. He nods.

I finally have the guts to look up at the man who's heart I broke a mere six days ago, he looks a wreck. He's hiding it pretty well as far as his expression. His eyes are bloodshot but, other than that a completely cold demeanor. My ached to reach across the table and comfort him but, then I snap back into reality remembering that I'm the one who hurt him. All because I let the past control my decision because in that moment I thought that he was just like Peter. But, he isn't. That bitch hurt him, I have plans for her. Even though we're not what we were I'll still kill for him because he's mine in spite of all of this.

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