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                                                                                  MASON"S POV                    

I was furious. she even had the nerve to call my name after all this time. "we need to talk". "talk about what exactly? let us talk inside" as we got inside I said to myself ." her house is two times bigger than my mansion". "do you like it? she said with a smile "No, I didn't come here to talk about your house" she smiled awkwardly "Oh...okay, do you have any plans on what you're going to do for the rest of summer" my eye started to twitch my lip parted upwards "wait, wait, wait ha "I said with a dry laugh " you disappear for how long then you pop asking questions, you didn't even ask if I was alright.

"I-I'm sorry it's just that I'm not used to having my son around" I could feel my anger rising "that's not the problem I started to yell . " the problem is after you left, you took my sister, leaving me behind then a year later after you left my sister ends up in a casket you didn't even show up I waited for you to come back home ." my eyes started to fill up with tears I tried hard to hold them back. (what is wrong with you Mason?)

tears started to run down the side of her face  I'm sorry for hurting you I know I was wrong but I didn't want to believe that my daughter was dead that she couldn't return to me. my mom started to cry.

I felt a little remorseful that she was blaming herself all these years. even though I didn't like the idea of living with her I decided to man up "ugh, so I'm staying here right? my mom stopped crying a little "so your dad told youqA1'?

"Tell me what? " that you were going to stay with me "

"No, huh so that's why he was hesitating I started to giggle my mom started to giggle a little at that moment I felt like I had a mother. "so what room do you want small, big , large." It doesn't matter. a maid came and took my bags upstairs. "she doesn't seem human. she's not a human, but why do you ask? I despise humans" 'why? no reason" 'but it was definitely a reason'.  

I was eight at the time wondering into the small forest behind my house I was trying to see if I could get even faster at that time I ran into a human she was bleeding, of course, I couldn't control my fangs when I see blood but luckily I didn't harm her but I had to help her she look like she was on the verge of death so I put her on my back and ran to my house when I got inside my dad, uncle Jeff, my cousin Abigail was all at the front door "dad help her or she's going to die after she was almost done healing she notices that we all were vampire's we became close friends. close enough that we started to date when I turned 13 that's when it happened that's when she betrayed me she cheated on me then tried to kill me with some sharp ass wooden stakes after that I started to despise humans hating there very existence her name was Jada moor.

I went up to my room and went to sleep  for the rest of the summer

"knock, Knock, get up you're going to be late for school"

I got up took a bath brushed my teeth, grabbed my coffee, got in my car, and went to school I saw my teacher in the front office she told me to wait outside the classroom. "Good Morning class today we have a new transfer student" as I walked inside the classroom all eyes were on me. "please introduce yourself. "Hi, my name is Mason Kane-"wait are you that Kane from the Kane group " I ignored her question "can I have my seat now? oh right um you can sit right there with Mia, Mia raise your hand so he can see you" she raised her hand I was kind of surprised it was the driver I turned and started to walk towards the table as I sat down I thought she was going to talk to me. she looked up at me and didn't say anything. maybe she doesn't remember me.

Whatever I don't care "today we are going to do an art project, yes I know its the first day of school but since I didn't prepare anything for you all you will do this in a group. it is to be turned in May thirty-first. today is April the twenty-first you have eight weeks to complete". It must be four to a group "excuse me but it's only two of us" I said. "oh you're right- knock, knock the door open all the boy's eyes lit up with passion most of the girls looked annoyed. But I didn't really. care to look

Hi, guy's did you miss me while I was gone  I heard a girl's voice the boy's started to clap and whistle like wild animals.

I heard a steady heartbeat. beat even faster as if she was excited. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer and her heartbeat getting faster and faster.

She was behind me but I still didn't care to look

"Oh, snap I forgot my purse. Um, miss can I go get my stuff out of my car? "hurry up" she left the classroom.

Ok class you need to discuss what you want to do.

The school was boring me to death it was nothing to do my classmate didn't even speak to me the girls looked like they wanted to hop out of their seats to talk to me and yet mia didn't move an inch

The door swung open again and I heard the familiar heartbeat it was her she was back it took her a long time( wait why do I even care?)

I heard her footsteps getting closer until they stopped I could tell she was behind me because I could feel her breathing down my neck and the scent of her blood mixed with perfume annoyed me.

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