The ClAsSiC fIelDtRiP

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Peter was in AP Gov. With Ned and Mj, sitting in the back of class he and Ned had their phones out watching vines and quietly repeating it to one another, since they had finished work early. Luckily, Flash was no where to be seen, so Peter had a break.

"FRee sHa vOcA dO" ned said quietly, snapping peter back to reality--
"pppFTT--" Peter tried to cover his Snickers.
MJ turned back to see the two idiot and sighed, and hit Peter over the head with her book 'The art of war'

"You two better shut up, some of us are trying to focus on class."

Peter looked at her incredulously, "focusing on what now, your reading??" Ned shot Peter a look that said 'what have you brought upon this forsaken land'

MJ paused for a second before she y e l l e d out "bitCH I HOPE THE FUCK YOU DO, yoU BE A DEAD SON OF A BITCH I TELL YOU TH--"


Ned was at Frozen in shock from the fact that MJ said a vine, reread that, MJ SAID A
V I N E.

Just then the bell rings setting the trio free from the depths of hell, After joking around a bit, dancing to ACDC, And getting lost even though he's walked this path a billion times, Peter had to split ways with Mj and Ned to go to his study hall/homeroom

(For whatever you use)

When he walked into the room, he was stopped and handed a slip, not thinking much about it (much to his demise) he slipped it in his backpack and took his seat in front of flash.

"Alrighty class!" Said his peppy teacher "I should have handed you all a slip when you walked in the door, and I am VERY happy to announce that *drumrollll* We are taking a surprise field trip!!!

The class whooped and cheered at the idea, Peter was also excited! Sureeee, last time he took a field trip he had gotten bitten by a radioactive spider, bUT--- He had ended up helping out a lot of people in the long run, so Peter was ready for whatever life threw at him!

Unfortunately, Peter was completely, totally, unprepared.

ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ this is Addy, Addy is a time skip, addy is confused about their gender, help them out?

Peter arrived at the tower, which he spends most weekdays after school, and the weekends at. Aunt May is okay with him spending so much time at the tower, since she always felt bad for making him stay home alone all the time, she was just grateful that Tony was there, Peterson would never admit it out loud (except to ned because bro before hoes) but he T O T A L L Y thought of Mr.Stark as a dad, but he was afraid Tony would think he was weird if he said so.

He walked through the lobby and into the elevator, asking FRIDAY to take him to the pent house where he hangs out with the avengers (who don't know he's spider Man minus Tony, Nat, and Thor on accident, it was tough keeping Thors mouth shut so peter always carried poptarts to bribe him with)

So when Peter came home to an empty pent house he assumed they were in a SHIELD meeting, they had to do checkups since the rouge's came back.

Peter was hungry so he set his bag down in his room, took of his shoes and socks and headed towards the huge kitchen.
Peter rummaged through the fridge and found a Coke and, he suddenly had an idea. Chugging the can as fast as he could, he took the empty can in hand. Staring at it---

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