Dna Test :0

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It had been a long long day for Peter Benjamin Parker, you all know the drill. Wake up at 5:00 am, catch the train to midtown, get bullied relentlessly etc. Not the best day, but it could be worse! His saving grace as always was his forensics class, he loved learning about new stuff all the time, and considering his job forensics never hurt.

"Alright! Listen up ya rascalls!" Peter's teacher bellowed. "Today we have a very fun and interactive experiment that will continue tommorow. We will be seeing the difference and simmilarites that we can pick out from two individuals DNA with a hair strand. But I don't want you to use your buddy. I want you all to go home and pick from a friend, or family member, and bring it back. This way we can compare what genetically related DNA sequences look like and what makes them different. Capiece?" He instructed.
(Pretend that Peter's Spider DNA can only be seen with a blood or skin sample, since hair is dead cells idk??)

Everyone in the classroom buzzed with excitement, after all this was no vocab sheet or online interactive program! This was hands on learning with real microscopes and hair folicles! (Forgive me if I'm sciencing wrong, I'm an idiot.) Peter was excited too, he would ask Ned or maybe even MJ but he wouldn't see them until later tommorow. Maybe he could ask May? No wait, he was at Mr.Starks place for the week. After Endgame ((no one permanently died because I said so >:( )) he and Tony spent alot more time together, and he stayed at avengers tower more because he was officially and Avenger. He and the team bonded and he sees them as his Aunts and Uncles, and although he would never admit it, Tony as a dad/father figure.

The bell snapped him out of his trance as he packed up his bag and left the school, he sees the ever so iconic black car that happy drives and quickly gets in before Flash can find him. "Hey Hap!" Peter chirps. "Hey kid." Happy responses jaggedly, before quickly rolling up the divider as per usual. Most people would think he hates Peter or something but Peter knew he loved him.


As I'm riding in the backseat of Happy's car I pull out some work from AP World History, quickly ramming through a medium sized packet in the 30 minute ride. By the time I'm done we still have a few minutes before we get to the tower, so I decide to plop in my headphones and listen to music in the mean while. After a few minutes I feel a shake on my shoulder and see happy mouthing for me to 'hop out'. I quickly grab my bag and jump out, "Thanks Hap!" I say.

I walk into the towers back entrance listening to sunflower and muttering the lyrics, I get in the elevator and FRIDAY takes me to Mr.Stark. By the time the doors open I put away my music and walk over to where Mr.Stark is hunched over a piece of tech. "Hey Mr.Stark! What's up?" I say as I lay my bag on an empty chair. "Oh! Heya kid, I didn't hear you come in. I was just fixing some of Fridays code because some vent crawling bird thought it would be funny to scare me while I was updating her, and I scrambled a huge patch. Mind helping? It's a bit of a mess..." Tony Grimaced. I nod quickly and hop over to the holograms and keyboard, and start texting away. The process is quite simple, but there's just alot. I'm so getting Uncle Clint first in the next prank war.

Timeee Skippp, \(^0^)/ rate your level of depression today; 1 being 'im feeling MILDLY INCONVENIENCED but like I have food so I'm good' and 10 being 'i want to commit second hand post birth abortion rIGHT NOw'

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