Team Red

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BrokenBitchs request oOp--
Peter had another long, long, long day at school. The usual, Flash, Homework, Spiderman. You name it. So it was not unusual for everyone to find him half asleep on the couch with Miraculous Ladybug playing in the background (we stan).

Tony walked in the room, about to make a loud sarcastic comment as always, before he noticed his totally-not-son son sleeping on the couch. He let out a sigh despite having a smile on his face and walked over to wake him up.

"Hey Petey, wake up. Underoos." Tony said, nudging the sleeping spider. Peter groggily murmered a 'yes Mr.stArk..?' before flopping back into the warm couch. The team quietly chuckled at the teens antics. Tony letting out another exasperated sigh picked up Peter planing to drop him off at his guest room. This obviously woke Peter right up seeing as he was being BRIDAL CARRIED by his totally-not-dad mentor.

"M-Mr.Stark!! I'm so sorry! Here, I can get to my room myself--" Peter quickly sputtered, trying to defend his situation. Tony (knowing his bullshit) quickly cut him off as they walked down the halls. "Nope. You stayed up wayyyy to late with me in the lab last night, and this is your fault for not getting up the first time." Tony bluntly said.

Peter be grudgingly agreed and blushed as Tony brought him to his room. He would rather die a slow death before admitting the fact he liked the comfort of his father figure, and almost constantly needed physical contact, but almost never got it. Ned was alright, but flash would always tease them and call them gay in school. And MJ is, well MJ. He wanted to live. So the temporary comfort lulled Peter back into a drowsy state. Just in time for Tony to set him down on his bed and tuck him in.

Hazily thinking about his hug deprivation while going back to sleep, he unconsciously stuck to Tony as he was set down. Falling asleep. "Uuuhhhh.... K-kid..?" Tony said quietly, generally trying to remove Peter from his jacket. Eventually after (minimum) much resistance Tony finally caved and just payed down next to his so-- I n T E r n. His intern. Before either of them knew it they were out like a light.

(><)ノ゙* time skip! Yay!

Tony's eyes fluttered open as someone lightly rocked his shoulder, calling out his name. After focusing he found out it was indeed Pepper who woke him up. "Anthony Edward Stark! Wake up! You're going to be late for the meeting with Fury!!" Pepper whisper yelled. That's strange (ay), she would usually be full blown yelling..? Tony went to get up when he realized he was being held down by something. Or someone..? He glanced down to see a still sleeping Peter hugging him like a koala bear. He could already imagine the look on Peter's face when he tells him ALLLLL about this. But in the mean time he needed to get up and go to that meeting before Pepper killed him, so the first step would be waking Peter up.

"Hey, Pete. Peter, Underoos..?" Tony called out, shaking Peter. Nothing, he was out like a light. Time to resort to desperate measures. "SPIDERMAN!" Peter jumped out of bed, sticking to the roof alert. "W-Whats going on?! Is there a mission?" Peter said still in a daze, searching the room before his eyes landed on Pepper and Mr.Stark.

"Nope, just couldn't wake you up. Remind me to get you a hugging pillow! I can't be late to every meeting because of a certain sleepy Koala." Tony said, humorously. Peter took a few seconds to wake up, and then process his words. Friday dully noted the wishlist item as Peter's gears and cogs in his head turned slowly. By the time it clicked Tony was already half way through the hallway with Pepper at his heels.

Blushing like a madman Peter finally let go of the roof, landing on the huge matress. He wished he could just sink to the bottom of earth itself, he.slept.with.tony.stark (ew ew ew not lIke tHat nAstY) he groaned into his pillow, regretting his life choices. No longer feeling tired he decided that sleeping was no longer an option. And he didn't want to face the real world right now. So he figured he would call Ned and talk about starwars or something. He went to go do just that when he remembered Ned and his family were out on a camping trip. And he didn't want to bother them. He also didn't wanna bother MJ as she wasn't a huge fan of Legos or starwars.

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