The cLasSic FieLdTriP Part 2

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Peter moved to the left just in time to dodge a shield, captain Americas shield to be specific. Peter's class suddenly stops talking, all wondering how Peter dodged the lethal weapon, the question on all their minds got answered as two familiar people approached...

"Pete! Oh my god! Are you ok!?" A very concerned Capting America said, jogging to their end of the long hallway. Just behind him followed Hawkeye, he was still concerned but also had a mischievous grin on his face.

"Y-Yeah I'm ok, what even happened?" Peter replied, forgetting his class was behind him. Captain America let out a frustrated sigh and glanced at Hawkeye, who had an even larger grin.

Steve sighed again, and glanced at Peter's class (who were all murmuring in excitement about seeing an Avenger) for a second, before replying "nothing important, just Clint being dumb as always."

Clint looked m a j o r l y offended and gasped dramatically, before feigning tears. "oh Steve! So cruel, to think you're America's idol. your heart is as cold as... The ice you were frozen--" before another word could be said a hard punch was delivered to Clints head, effectively shutting him up, Steve grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and started dragging him away, like a tired parent. "Oh! and to Peter's class! I hope to see you all at the Q and A, you can ask any questions there!" He gave his iconic smile before turning the corner out of sight.

Peter let out a relieved sigh at the lack of the avengers, but the damage was already done. He turned around to see his entire class gaping at him once again, before he had time to even rack up a pathetic (as flash would say) excuse, he started getting bombarded by questions. Feeling a sensory overload coming on because of the hoard of Smelly, yelling, teenager. He hushed them all with a loud "OKAY!"

"Okay, ok... I'll-- I'll answer any questions along with the avengers at the end of the tour. J-just give me a moment!" Peter said, rubbing his head. Slowly but surely the lights were getting too bright for his comfort, the smells around him and the texture of his clothes uncomfortable. He quickly excused himself before making a mad dash to the elevator, despite his teachers protests.

"F-Friday, Penthouse please..." Peter huffed out, trying to focus on counting up from one instead of the overwhelming sensations around him. which was, for your information, nOT WORKING-- "Peter you seem to be experiencing a begining to a Sensory Overload, might I suggest contacting Mr.Stark?" Friday chirped in oh-so-helpfully

Peter in his infamous self sacrificing ways, declined FRIDAYS offer, deciding he can just, dO iT hImsElf???? Hey, just because she has a Spidey sense, doesn't mean he has COMMON sense! Peter pulled himself into his room, where he asked FRIDAY to turn on sensory overload mode, he had hacked Friday previously to only tell Mr.Stark when he allowed her too. FRIDAY was sassy with him for weeks after that for touching her code.

Peter laid down on his bed, despite the once fluffy and welcoming comforter now felt itchy and hot. And fell asleep, man, he really needed more sleep these days..

(⌐■_■) This is Quinton, once again, Quinton doSeNt really know if he has feelings for Jenny... But he doSeNt want to hurt her...

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