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(this is based off a head Cannon but with a twist so if it's familiar sorry, also the headcannon made me cry so hERE WE GO---)

Peter had been sitting in class, absent mindedly focusing on whatever lesson was being taught. Out of the corner of his eye he See's Ned and MJ whispering to one another quietly, then occasionally glancing at Peter....strange...

Peter's attention was now secretly on his two friends, his eyes on the board but using his superhearing he was keying in on them. "No you do it MJ!" Ned whispered harshly. "Why can you you loser, I don't know how to handle...emotions..!" MJ said with slight concern, which was utterly terrifying because MJ never really shows much emotion, let alone concern for Peter.

Ned seemed to sense this too as he audibly gulped, but whatever was going on he seemed determined not to do it, even enough so to say no the Mj! "Listen I don't want to upset him!! If you do it he'd be too scared to retaliate!" Ned nervously whined. MJ seemed to have enough of the pointless bantering and swooped her computer and placed it on Peters desk.

"Hey loser" she said, casually. Peter turned to her and pretended to look curious, well, he didn't have to pretend that hard. He was genuinely curious to see what they arguing over, he turned his attention to the screen, but what he did not expect was to see Tony Starks smiling face plastered over the whole page.

Taken aback, Peter froze. MJ mused whether she should have warned him. Peter's thoughts started racing, there were no scars covering his face, no burnt arms. He was there, standing with a giant goofy grin. Now that Peter looked closer at the screen, he saw that it was a realistic drawing of him. An artwork. It saddened him, but also made him slightly happy. The artist really got his smile, the look in his eyes, it's not one of his 'press smile's'. It was the genuine smile that the world had never seen.

Peter was somewhat happy in a sense that the world never saw his corpse, it didn't feel right for that to be the last the world saw of the 'Great Tony Stark'. Let alone how scarring it would be to the general public. But the image of tony still flashed through Peter's head every night, and he wasn't so happy about that. There wasn't much to be happy about. The emptyness in his eyes, the ragdoll movements, his limbs only obeying gravity's commands. The realization settling in for everyone on that horrible day, that Tony Stark was gone.

Peter shakes the thoughts from his head, he was getting too deep and honestly couldn't afford to have a panic attack in the middle of class. He hesitantly scrolled through the website to see that after his school ended, a giant wall would be open to the public where you take a note that has what your grateful that Tony Stark did, and pin it. It was a bittersweet thought, on one hand he was glad the community was coming together, and to see how important his mentor was for everyone, but at the same time Peter always had a difficult dealing with his emotions and thoughts that included Mr.Stark after the war.

Peter took a pause at that last part, maybe that's exactly why he should go, to come at peace. With himself, with Spiderman, and most importantly, with Mr.Stark. Peter turned and saw his two friend anxiously and cautiously watching and gaging his reaction, Mj slowly slid her laptop back onto her desk, still watching him.

"I'm sure you already read it but it's an event that the art gallery set up as a tribute to Tony Stark, and uh. We know how much you two, along.. so.." she trailed off, at a loss for words. Which is not a state of mind you'd usually catch Michelle Fucking Jones at. He sent them a slightly shaky smile, and nodded. Ned let out a huge sigh of relief and MJ visably relaxed. "We were worried you would be upset if we didn't tell you, but we were also worried you would be upset if we brought it up..." Ned admitted sheepishly.

"After school then?" He chirps suddenly, MJ punches him affectionately, but her gaze does cautiously drift to Peter. Peter nods, more assured this time. "Yeah, after school." Ned and Mj give him a smile, and it does make him feel better, but he can't shake the guilt in his stomach for the rest of the school day.

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