Rouge Avengers because its Iconic

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Peter woke up in the morning, as always, there would be a problem if he didn't. He got out of bed and shuffled to the large kitchen where he saw his dad drinking his probably 7th cup of coffee that morning. That's right, you all know the drill you unhealthy spiderson addicts (not my 4th wall!!) Aunt may had passed away and when Tony heard his aunt passed, he offered him a spot at the tower. Seeing as it was technically Avengers Tower and Pete was an Avenger, they couldn't have him homeless.

Obviously though, having Peter around more Tony saw how smart Peter really is, he invited him down into the labs, then his personal one. Before Tony realized it he grew very attached to the kid, almost like his own son. He would never say that aloud though, he had a reputation to maintain! But unfortunately one night where he hadn't had coffee in the past 5 hours and running on 4 hours of sleep from two days ago, he slipped up and called Peter his son. Surprisingly Peter admitted he viewed him as a father figure, he had to confirm that really happened with FRIDAY the next morning

Ever since then they got into the rhythm of calling one another 'dad' and 'son', Tony would have never believed he would have been a good father, hell, father at all! But he was glad Peter came into his life. despite all his vine bullshit and occasional stab wounds, Often found paired together even!

"Hey Dad!" Peter chimed when he walked in the room. He would never know how he had so much energy in the mornings. Probably because of some spidey junk he thought dismissively. Tony went to take another sip of his coffee only to discover he finished his cup, he grumbled and positioned himself to get up before a Spiderman mug of fresh joe was brought and placed infront of him. Peter, bless his heart. not a day would go by without him thanking the heavens for this angel.

The two geniuses sat and chatted quietly for a while, short conversations between them. Peter eating an ungodly amount of Eggos and Tony waking up with wayyyyyy too much coffee. Peter would break that bad habit on day.. just not today, he had school today. Wait, school---
Peter looked at his Stark Watch tm and realized he was going to be late for school!!! He shot out of his seat and dashed to his bedroom, scaring the living hell out of Tony. To the point where Tony almost comedically spit his coffee all over the table. Peter threw some clothes on. jeans, a button up and a sweater on top, tying his shoes while jumping to the door, and running a hand thru his hair, he let out an 'I LOVE YOU DAD!!!' before dashing to the elevator.

Tony's heart warmed Everytime Peter said he loved him, he definitely has some kinda mama bear instinct that seems to be growing stronger every day. Now officially woken up he figured he should see what needs to be done (or in his opinion what can be skipped) so pepper doesn't ban him from the lab. He didn't want to do that to Pete. He was casually scrolling through the list when he saw something that made his heart stop.

A meeting with SHIELD And the Rouges, today, in his own tower. Tony began to panic a bit, but told himself to remain calm, and that they couldn't hurt him. Deciding to skip whatever was on the top of the list, he went into the lab to distract himself. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling of pressure in his arc reactor, just where Steve...lab, right Lab.

[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] look who just won the lottery, this is a time skip btw

Tony stood by the door, collecting himself. All the rouge avengers would be behind this door, but he could handle this. For Peter!
Tony stepped into the room, looking like he was oozing confidence, but anyone that knew him could tell in an instant that he was very nervous. They all sat down like respectable adults, no yelling, no fights, threat Nothing. Tony thought the meeting had gone suprisingly well, that was until the end when Fury broke the news to him.

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