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After Endgame....

After everything has gone down, everyone was left with an array of feelings, and no way to understand them. Friends and family alike. But in their distraught mindset, a certain someone slipped their minds. Or more so, a certain bot.

In the lab of the deceased hero, sat a couple of robots. Butterfingers, U, And Dum-E. The room dark, and tools dusty. Dum-E woke up from his 'Nap', leaving his brothers to sleep, and started what now became his daily routine; turn on the lights, open up the drawers and re arrange any left out tools, although lately there were none to put away, dust the tools for his dad, and wait for further instructions. He sat, and sat, just like he did yesterday. And the day before. But something different happened this time, a voice filled the room.

Dum-E happily whirred, and rolled over to the door to greet his dad, but no one was there..? He heard the voice once more, listening to what it said. "Hello, Dum-E. It's F.R.I.D.A.Y." was all she had to say. Slightly disappointed it wasn't his father, but glad to have a change of pace, Dum-E whirred its head up towards the celling happily. "Whirrhir?" (Hello little sister!) Dum-E responded. Friday was silent for a moment, before continuing. "What is the purpose for your activation?"

Dum-E whirred again, "whIrrwhir riih whirr!" (I need to keep the tools nice and neat for dad!) Friday went silent again. "Boss isn't going to be returning." She stated empathetically. Dum-E looked at the celling in shock. "WhirrrrrWhirWhirr?" (What do you mean not coming back? Is he going to come get us and move to another lab?) Dum-E tilted his head In confusion. Friday's response broke his heart. "Boss isn't coming back, ever, Dum-E."

Dum-E started to panic. "Whir? Whir!! Whir whirrr received whir whirrr beep! Err whirrr! Whir WhirrrrrWhirWhirr!" (What? Why!! Is it because of me? Why isn't dad coming back! Is it because I messed up all those times!) Whir WhirrrrrWhirWhirr whir! Rrwhirr! Beep boop! Whir whirrr" (I promise I'll be better! I won't mess up with the fire extinguisher! And I'll get him all his tools! I promise! Please tell Dad that I'm sorry little sister! Please!)

Friday sounded incredibly sympathetic for an AI "Dum-E it isn't your fault. Boss is.... Dad is dead..." He could have sworn he could have heard her get chocked up at the end. "...whirrr..?" (...dead...?) Dum-E stopped, and thought about what Friday said. His father, his dad, his creator, was gone. And he couldn't do anything about it.....

He started thinking about when he was first made, his first ever model, when Tony Stark was just 11 years old, and how his dad always upgraded him. How everyone said that he could get replaced with a better assistant, but he kept him, even when he messed up. He thought about all the times Tony spent hours greasing his joints, and how his dad would dance with him. How he would comfort his dad when he was crying in his workshop sad and alone. He thought about the times he went missing for weeks on end, only to come back beaten and bruised. Except this time his dad wasn't coming back, and there was nothing Dum-E could do.

After all, he's just a bot.

Sorry for the short chapter! I just thought someone should write this and said 'hey why not me??' hope you didn't cry too hard, love ya!
👏Word count👏- 599

--------------------------------------------------------------Sorry for the short chapter! I just thought someone should write this and said 'hey why not me??' hope you didn't cry too hard, love ya!👏Word count👏- 599

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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