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"hnnnnnNnNNnnNNNGggG!!!" Clint groaned, trying to pick up Stormbreaker. The old man nearly lost his back trying to pick up the war-hammer. The rest of the Avengers present chuckling at his attempt, thinking back to the first time they all tried to pick up Mljnoir. Of course, this time things were different, not all in a bad way though. Tony had his daughter Morgan bouncing on his knee, Pepper to his side, a small smile on her face as she leaned against him. Bruce was in his hulk form, large sweater, and all. Clint had his family with him as well. Many new faces crowded the couch at the compound, The Guardians were present, so was Carol and Fury. All the new avengers were there, Including one spider child; Peter.

Peter had walked back into the room, this time with a large bowl of chips in one hand and popcorn in the other. "I have arrived with some snacks!" He announced. Tony smiled as he saw peter skooch into the spot on his right, tight against the couch but comfy none the less. Morgan quickly crawled over Tony's lap and into peters, Peter swiftly put the bowls on the table to make room for his kinda-sister. "Hey Morgs!" peter said wrapping his arms around her to get a better grip. "Hey, Petey! Uncle Clint is trying to lift thors Hammer!" she said with a bright smile. "Really now? Do you know why he can't?" he said. This was something Tony often caught peter doing with Morgan, he would ask Morgan tons of complicated questions about random things and try to catch her off guard. Of course, since she has Tony's blood flowing through her veins and a brain to match, she always kept the Spider on his toes as well. He supposed it came from the years of Decathalon that was ingrained into Peter. He sat there watching contently as Morgan 'matter-of-factly' explained that Stormbreaker had a spell of sorts on it that could only be lifted if one was deemed 'Worthy'. 'My kids are the best' he thought absentmindedly.

"This is BS Thor! I'm supppperr worthy! Clearly, your overrated axe is broken" Clint said annoyed while he was sitting down. Thor just let out a hearty laugh, "Stormbreaker does not lie Clint! You are simply, not Worthy." He said with a shit-eating grin. Clint let out a long exasperated groan as Laura rubbed his shoulder to comfort the Man Child. "Ha! Well, that's Obvious Birdbrain! Let me give it a whirl.." The other man child aka Scott said, standing up. Hope and Cassie just rolled their eyes at the Ants shenanigans. Scott tried and failed to lift the weapon from its resting spot against the wall. He quickly accepted his defeat and sadly plopped back into his previous seat, rubbing his head into cassie whining about how 'thor is totally cheatttinggg' and other complaints.

Soon enough it escalated into a whole activity, with many of the new and old Avengers trying their hand at it. Some of the notable experiences were Shuri who accidentally put a hole into the wall trying to pull it off with her tech, and Bucky whose arm accidentally popped off, which then led to the line of questions in Tony's head if since Bucky's Arm isn't organic and alive and when detached from his persons is an ordinary object, is it in the same class as an elevator and if then can it lift the Axe, and then at what point does it suddenly not become worthy when attached to Bucky, and if the arm now has a soul attached to it and if that same logic applies to clothes or his suit, etc. At this point, Tony was audibly mumbling his ideas out loud. Pepper gave him an exasperated glance, while Peter and Morgan just looked confused.

As time went on and person after person tried to lift the mythical hammer, none were succeeding. Natasha and surprisingly T'Challa denied the chance to try and lift it, but the games went on. At some point during the event, Morgan jumped off Peter's lap to go and ask Happy for a snack. Peter was having a blast, curled up on the couch next to Mr.Stark With the rest of the Avengers present. All having good ole' bonding time, what more could the boy ask for? When Sam decided to have a go at it, he fell straight on his ass from pulling so hard, peter barked out a loud laugh at the sight. Sam, rightfully annoyed turned to the bug boy. "Oh yeah, hotshot? I haven't seen you up here trying to get this damn hammer off the wall. Let's see what you got and then we'll see which side will be laughing!"

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