Alternate Universe (but its not 'into the spiderverse' sorRy)

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Tony had been working in his lab, but really couldn't find anything to do, none of the teams armor or weapons were messed up, his suits really didn't need more upgrades at the moment, his arm was functioning swell, there was no Disastrous impending threat around the corner. He was at his wits end, usually there was SOMETHING to do! He gave an exasperated sigh as he lay himself over his workbench, some loose tools poking into his oily check annoyingly.

Like godsend, at that exact moment,
The elevator doors had opened, and out came a young Peter Parker, just what the doctor ordered! "Hey Mr.Stark!" Peter said, as he bounced into the room, half hazardly dropping his bag onto the nearest swivel chair. But the moment he looked at his da- mEntor he knew something was up. "What's wrong?" He asked, walking over to the bored Stark.

Tony felt a bit better since Peter was here, something new to start the creative process he assumed. Totallyyyy not because Tony genuinely enjoyed Peter's presence, he just admired his k--- THe kids smarts, who wouldn't?! They rivaled his own! And he's Tony Stark! Tony exaggeratedly sighed, slumping back in his seat. "Well kiddo, I just have no idea what to build, which is well, unusual for me!" He said, gesturing to himself angrily, but seeing as he was hunched over a chair whining like a baby his aura wasn't so intimidating.

Peter chuckled at the heros antics, and sat down in the chair next to Tony, pondering some ideas. When one struck his head he excitedly turned to Tony, who gave him his full attention. "What if, and hear me out, what if we do something crazy. Like when you invented time travel crazy....what if we built something that travels through dimensions!! It would give us something challenging to do, and you would be know as the man that not only invented time travel...but dimension hopping!!" Peter said ecstatic.

Tony was a little dumbfounded, how in the world would they pull that off?? Well, he didn't have anything better to do he supposed. "Alright kid, dimension hopping portal machine thingy it is." He said with a smirk, no doubt ideas running through both their heads. They both sprung up and got to action, and started documenting and formulating their ideas.....


Soooo, it took longer than they expected, luckily Peter already had a guest bedroom set up for situations like this (it's not the first time it's happened) but over the course of 4 days and too much coffee according to pepper, they did it. One Anthony Edward Stark and Peter Benjamin Parker, had cracked the secret to dimension hopping. Peter turned to Tony with a wild grin on his face, sweat and graphite smudged across himself. Tony not looking any different from Peter. "We did it....." Peter said, "WE DID IT!!" He repeated much louder, quickly hurdiling himself onto Tony with all 167 lbs of enhanced hormonal teenager for a hug.

To say that Tony went down fast is an understatement, now pinned beneath the excited child cursing whatever God made him an old man, he wheezes out "yEp, HH, we did it kiddo! Now can you get off me? I think my left lung just collapsed.." Peter quickly hopped off him, shooting a quick sorry, but soon went back to vibrating in place. Tony stood up groaning at his sore limbs, but despite acting so calm, Tony was bewildered, to think he could crack one of the universes biggest secrets in under a week. But he had to give lots of that credit to Peter, without him he wasn't sure he would have ever cracked it.

"Soooooooo.... Can we use it?" Peter asked innocently. Tony then realized that as much as a genius Peter is, he can be a real dumbass. "Really kid? We haven't even tested it! If you get obliterated or thrown into an alternate dimension with no way of getting back, your weirdly hot aunt is actually going to kill me!" All Peter made was small 'oh' and turned back to the machine. "Can we test an apple?" He said. Tony sighed, finally, a non Self-destructive idea! "Alright kid, go get one from the fridge, then we'll go chuck it into another dimension." That is definitely not a sentence he thought that he'd ever say, but Then again, it was never truly off the table either.

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