Im in marvel!? (ok its a y/n b-but trust me ok) Part 1

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(Female but you can easily pretend Male, also Tony survived the snap fight mE)
You get home from a long day of school, you had your worst block schedule today and we're utterly drained. You know you have a packet that you should work on but decide to ignore that, and flip on your bed. Pulling open your phone you open up the familiar app known as Wattpad and start searching for a new irondad and Spiderson fanfic. As you see the first 30 or so results have already been added to your library you groan. You hadn't realized your addiction had got this bad...

As you read through a few fanfics ranging from 5 to 78 chapters long you hear the front door open and realize your mom is home already. Had you spent that much time reading? Oh well, wasn't the first time it happened. "Y/N!!! Don't forget to do the dishes!!" Your mom calls out. You let out a groan and hollar back "I Wont!!" And turn back into your fluff. Before you know it hours have passed and you found a good long story, invested you stay in bed to finish the story, but start feeling really tired. You try to force your eyelids open but you think it's about time you go to bed when you misread 'natashas an assassin' as 'stick it in Natasha's ass'. Powering off your phone you start to easily drift off, your last thought being that you did, as your mother predicted, forget to do the dishes.

~~~YOU GET SOME SLEEP~~~ (unless you have insomnia then idk man you lay awake regretting your life decisions and think about irondad and Spiderson)

A bright light flashes your way, and you groan and turn away. You hear a loud crinkling and pause for a second. Did you leave a bag of chips in your bed??? You didn't really eat anything last night but its a possibility. You open your eyes, now kinda awake, but to your utter shock you wake up in some random alley way???? That crinkling was a fucking G A R B A G E bag????!? Wth??? You quickly stand up and check for your phone, which is in your jacket pocket thank God. How it ended up there is a mystery? You check to see if you're beat up or if you have any strange possible syringe marks in case you got drugged but can't find anything?

You step out of the alley way only to find yourself outside of your urban neighborhood and smack in NY City!? How the hell did you walk all the way from the Urban's to the city? Is this some extreme case of sleepwalking? Nevermind any of that, you decide it's best to call your mom to pick you up, she's probably worried sick, and more importantly, furious.

(POV Switch bcus)

I pull out my phone and swipe to my mom's contact nervously, I quickly hit the call button and place the phone to my ear, waiting for the rings. But instead I got loud muffled robot lady speaking static? Was my phone broken or something? I angrily try to call again, and even send text messages! But nothing's going through! "Shitty wifi" I mumble under my breath. I decide to try and find a café with free WiFi so I can call someone to pick me up, wandering though the streets nervously I notice some things are off..? Like technology is slightly more advanced..? I shake off the feeling, this is where all the big buisnesses thrive! Of course it's going to be more advanced!

To my luck I spot a café that has a sign saying 'free wifi' on the front window, thank God for the modern era. I quickly run inside up to the front desk. "Um, excuse me. What's the Wifi password?" I say to the cashier. She pulls out a piece of paper that has the name and password and gives it to me, I quickly thank her and sit at a small booth. Entering the wifi I try to text my mom again, nothing? I try my other family and friends but nothing's going on??? Maybe it's MY phone that's broken? I sigh at my bad luck and absently mindedly let my eyes wander the room, that is till I hear the name 'Tony Stark' ring from the quiet TV in the corner of the room. Interested now I look at the TV to see if an interview was happening, but as I watch I realize it's talking about him and what his efforts towards those affected by the 'blip' is gonna be..? It's kinda weird since it's really realistic and their addressing RDJ as Tony, and acting like he's real. A waitress walks over to me and See's my gaze glued to the TV and lets out a scoff.
"Seriously? It's only been a year since everyone returned, dont'cha think it's a little insensitive to be bringing it up on public TV As carelessly as that?" She says. I turn towards her, thinking she must be a mega fan who was really affected during infinity war and endgame. "I mean, the movie was pretty heart wrenching but I think it's ok. It's not like anyone had any real trauma, probably." I say offhanded. The waitress looks at me funny and remarks "Movie?" I turn my attention towards her now, thinking I offended her and go to apologise before she says "What movie?". I still, had she not seen endgame? What? But weren't we just talking about Marvel..???

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