Calls in Class

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Peter was sitting in his class, bored as ever, the teacher Mr.Harrington drilling on about geometry or something. Peter obviously learned this entire subject many, many, years ago, but it's not like he can tell that to the teacher.

Just dozing off in general, pretending to pay attention to the lesson. Peter shifts a little to be more comfortable when the jolt of pain in his side not so subtley reminds him that he was, indeed, stabbed last night. He probably should get it checked up on but he didnt want to bother anyone. Besides, it will heal in like a few hours anyway... Hopefully...

Class was proceeding like always, Flash was occasionally throwing spitballs at Peter, Ned was focusing on the lesson, MJ Was doodling on her worksheet, somehow finished too, when suddenly everyone hears a ringtone.

'you are my daaad, you're my dad!! Boogie woogie woogie! You are my daaad, you're m--'
Peter quickly grabs his phone, knowing clint had changed that to Mr.Starks ringtone. He swears to prank him when he gets home.

"Mr.Parker! You know the rules!! Answer it, and ON SPEAKER!" The teacher interjects. Peter reluctantly places the call on speaker, shifting uncomfortably under all the classes stares.

"Heyyyyy Mr.S--- uh, dude. You're on speaker in front of my class, please limit your vocab!" Peter skillfully dodges outing who called. Flash starts to talk too his goons "Hah, that's pathetic! Penis Parker dosent even have a dad!!" They all Snicker at his un-original comment. Peter prays to God that Dad-- er, M-Mr.Stark didn't hear that, but Parker luck strikes again.

"----Peter who the fuck was that?" Tony says harshly. "N-No one!!! Anywayyy, why did you call, do you need something?" Peter said, changing the topic. Tony loudly sighed, "we are talking about that later Undeross, anyway I'm just fighting some aliens up town and they're swamping us, so I was gonna ask if you *loud explosion* wanted to kick some aliens butt!"

The entire class looked at Peter quizickly as Peter paled. "mR.StArK WHY DIDNT YOU SAY THAT FROM THE BEGINING?!?!" Peter yelped, the class looked bewildered when he said 'Mr.Stark', Flash laughed loudly. stomping out of his seat, he walked over and snatched Peter's phone out of his hand.

Taking the phone up to his face Flash and his goons laughed. " 'Mr.Stark/Dad?', really penis? Not only do you pretend to know THE Tony Stark, but you also have his contact under Dad!!! That's pathetic, even for you!!" The class erupts in laughter, the teacher hardly bothering to hide his Snickers as well. Peter's face lit up like a Christmas tree, blushing like a mad man. Ned tried to comfort Peter to no avail.

"Wait what does Peter have me down as..?" Tony inquires, you can hear faint explosions and repulsur sounds in the background. "Oh, he has you as mR.sTark slash dad!!! I would stop being friends with him if I were you! He's weird and pathetic!!!" The line went silent, the entire class stills. Flash thinks he's won and Peter will lose his 'friend'. Little did he know.....

"W H a t did you just call Peter!!!?!" He roared, flash shrunk back, taken by surprise by the volume. "Pete, I'm on my way, get ready to suit up, and we are having a talk when you get home." Peter panicked, not only did he make Mr.Stark leave a very important battle just to come pick him up, but he also probably made him mad or uncomfortable by calling him dad!! He was so pathetic, he was a horrible hero, and only weighed others down. He wished the Earth would just swallow him whole.....

The call dropped despite Peter's protests and that he could handle himself, flash dropped peters phone onto the desk, chipping the side. Peter winced, he didn't like seeing expensive things break, it hurt his poor person mentality.
(Me too sis, me too)
Flash sat back in his seat, everyone still snickering at Peter's dillema, but Peter had far more important concerns, like if Flash was gonna be alive tommorow.

All of a sudden, a large CRASH was heard, the entire class saw it was a whole Ironman suit who broke through their window, before anyone had anytime to react (let alone connect the dots) Mr.Stark made it obvious why he was there. "WHICH ONE OF YOU IS FLASH THOMOSON?" The metalic voice rang, sending shivers down every students spine.

Peter quickly shot up out of his seat and made his way through the puzzle of desks to Mr.Stark. "H-Hey Mr.Stark!!! U-Uh nothing to see here, let's just go and kick alien butt! R-right, please don't kill Flash, he is just a kid--!!" Peter rambled. Tony sighed once again and steped out of his nano tech, to all the students shock it really was the Tony Stark.

"I'll say this one more time kid," his eyes full of pure rage, Breaking the tension Mj helpful input "Hes right there, sir." And pointed to a trembling Flash non-chalontley. (How do you even spell that I can't??????) Tony gave a Curt nod of appreciation to Ted and AJ before walking to Flash, towering over him menacingly.

"Now you listen here brat, Peter is by far so much better, smarter, intelligent, charming, and starkly (heh) more kind than you will EVER be! Do you hear me?!?! He is fighting his own tough battles and winning, he is more amazing and incredible, he's everything to me, and the Avengers, so if you wish to live another day you will not LOOK in his direction, SPEAK to him, or even THINK about him!!!! Do I make myself clear!!!!!" He shouted. By the end of it Flash was crying in his seat, but the hormonal teenage boy did not back down, oh no no no, he turned that fear into anger.

"WHY DOES PETER GET TO INTERN WITH YOU!!! I STUDY EVERYDAY, EVERY NIGHT, AND IM NEVER AS GOOD!!! IM SO SICK OF IT!!! I CANT TAKE IT!!! HIS LIFE HAS HAD SO MANY BAD THINGS YET HES SO HAPPY AND PERFECT!!! WHY CAN HE BE OKAY WITH EVERYTHING BUT I GET ALL UPSET WITH JUST MY PARENTS FIGHTING!!! I HAVE APPLIED SO MANY TIMES TO SI!!! WHY IS HE ALWAYS BETTER!! Why...! Why is he always....." It led out with him crying silently, looking at the ground shamefully. Tony (along with the entire class) were shocked, they all though he was an asshole. But it turned out he had issues of his own.....

Tony sighed, and walked away from the kid, he had a city too save, and yelling at kid didn't save it. He wordlessly shot Peter a look and exited the classroom silently, leaving all eyes on Peter and Flash. Peter approached Flash slowly, as if not to scare off a wild animal, he put a hand on his shoulder, before engulfing Flash in a hug. Flash started sobbing into his shirt, he cried and cried. And when he was done Peter stepped back. Flash let out a wet "I'm sorry". Peter nodded and smilled kindly, "it's okay, I forgive you." Flash looked up in disbelief, Peter held out a hand and helped him up from the floor. And then he turned to the class.

"Hey, can you guys not tell anyone about this please?" Everyone looked confused at what he meant, till he double tapped his web shooters on his wrists and the IronSpider formed. The entire classes mouths dropped to the floor, as they realized that the Scrawny Peter Parker was THE Spiderman, he quickly jumped out the window, leaving a shocked class behind.

Peter was glad Tony called..

Wordcount 👏👏- 1288

Wordcount 👏👏- 1288

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