Flash is gay for...me?!?!?

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A/N Yall read the Dr.Stone manga yet???? Literally in love 😍


It was a normal Thursday afternoon, i was in class, fiddling with my we shooters thinking about strange stuff. Like, did you know the brain named itself??? How wack it that! But the point was i was zoning out, eventually i got my head in the game and focused on the lesson, only to feel like something was missing...... wait.. Flash!!

Ever since the snap (yes this takes place after infinity-war/ endgame, AND FFH but peters identity wasn't revealed) flash hadn't bothered him since! Well, maybe thats because his two goons didn't dust so now they're working hard adults... he almost felt bad for flash.. shaking that thought from his head he focused back on the lesson at hand.

Fast forward and hour or so and class will end soon, the teacher lets kids be for the last 5-10 minutes of class, but peters phone was dead and he was beyond bored. Suddenly peter remembered a certain object in his pocket!! He quickly reached down and whipped out EDITH (the glasses). Now peter was only planning on playing games and such but after a while he got bored of that too... sooooo with only good intentions he started peeking on the other students phones.

For a while peter watched a video from another classmates phone but he couldn't hear the audio over the loud mummur of students so he dropped that, after sifting through all his classmates phone something caught his eye, it was the iconic Watt-pad format...! He thought he was the only one in his class interested in such but he was pleasantly proved wrong, his eyes glued to this devise he couldn't help but see their library. But what caught peter off guard wasn't the sheer amount of books, oh no no! It was the fact that 90% of them were spider man x reader fics!!

He was kinda startled but also....smug? Almost. Like a sense of pride?? But it also grossed him out a bit, he would have to check that out when he gets home (comment if you want a shot of peter finding spider man x reader fics!) it hadn't occurred to peter to look up at the person who was reading it, but the moment he did he instantly regretted it. There in all his glory was his bully, Flash fucking Thompson, reading fan fictions about the boy he bullies... how ironic he thought.

He didn't know what to do with this information, and all he did was think about it for the rest of school. Ned seemed slightly concerned but Mj just called peter a loser as always. By the time he loaded he got in happy's car, he had made a plan to fuck with flash. (Consider it payback 😃)

That night peter went patrolling and found a no good scum cornering a young lady. "Perfect!" Peter whispered. He dropped down in between them but instead of a witty remark he said "hey! So i know this is weird and all but can you stab me? Like not in the heart but the stomach?? Please?" The robber looked dumbfounded but the lady ran away at this opportunity.

"A-are you sure dude??? Like, that would hurt..?!?" The robber replied still s h o o k. "Yeah its fine, I've built up quite the pain tolerance!" He said cheerfully. The robber gave it a shrug and shanked peter in the stomach, all that was heard was a little grunt. "Thanks so much dude! I owe you one! But unfortunately i still need to hand you over to the police!" He said. He webbed the poor dude to a light pole and webbed off to Flash's house.

Obviously this robber hasn't stabbed many people before because it was so shallow that it was hardly an inconvenience to peter, but this ment he had to hurry to flash before it healed. He quickly found flashes house and the. His window, he loudly knocked to grab his attention. Flash glanced over quizzically before scrambling to open the window. Peter hopped in and pretended grunt in pain from the force. "H-Hey your Flash right?" He pretend panted. "Y-YES!!" He squeaked.

"I um.. im in a pickle right now so can you help a bud out?" He said slightly horse, he lifted his hand to show Flash his 'mOrtAl wOunD' and flashes face lost all color. "Ar-Are you stabbed?!?!?!" He yelped. "Shhh! I cant have anyone know im here!" Peter said quickly. "Do you have a first aid kit?" Flash nodded then ran off too get it, peter noticed the wound was healing to he grimly pit his fingers in his wound and re opened it painfully. Ah, the length he'd go to prank flash.

Flash preceding his name returned shortly with a first aid kit. He sat kn the floor slightly winded but staring at peter nervously. Peter took off his top (just pretend he always uses the iron spider now and its nano tech) so that flash could work with his wound. Flash stood still, gawking at peters abs for a bit before quickly dousing some washcloth in hydrogen peroxide (i Don't know first aid hhh) at peters instruction. They sat silent except for instructions now and then, along with grunts of 'pAiN' for peter until it was done. He had to admit that flash did a pretty good job fixing him up!

"So....why me?" Flash asked suddenly. Peter was caught off guard by this question but quickly responded "pardon?" . "I-i mean! Im glad I could help and all but how and why did you cone to....well ME..?" Just according to plan! Peter silently cheered in his head, but kept on masterfully acting externally. "...do you know a peter parker?" Recognition flashed through Flashes eyes, along with...guilt? "Yeah, I do.. why?" "What do you think of him. Give me your 100% honest answer." Flash was a bit confused but answered none the less.

"Well... he's nice i suppose, doesn't have a lotta friends. Straight A's, kinda poor. Seems like even though everything goes wrong for him he still succeeds... and im over here with a loving family and money. And j cant even keep up! So... i was an ass to him.. i kinda— no, i really bullied him. But when the...blip occurred it really put me in perspective... when i came back i wanted to apologize, and tell him i was sorry... but, i didn't. I was too scared too..."

Peter stood still, shocked to the core by Flashes answer, without thinking he responded "hey its ok Flash! You might have been an ass once but im sure that you've change now!" Flash looked thankful but conflicted. "But you font understand! I was awful!! I did horrible horrible things too him! If you knew you would never forgive me..!" Peter could only imagine how hard it would be to admit that to your idol, so he bent down and grabbed flash by the shoulders. Looking him in the eyes.

"Flash, look at me." He said seriously. Flash turned to him with tears hanging in his eyes. Peter reached for his mask and ripped it off his head, a warm smile underneath. "I forgive you, i should know the most..!" Flash was absolutely baffled..!! Pen—Peter Parker was Spiderman!! And he bullied Spiderman!!! And.... he forgave him...? Flash couldn't stop the tears from running down his face, he hugged peter and cried and cried. And from that point on Flash and Peter were friends, he joined the PPPS and lived happily ever after.

For now...


Word Count👏: 1308

Word Count👏: 1308

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