𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 11

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**Will be in Venus' POV unless says otherwise. picture above is the gift from Liam, GIF below is one i made of Venus & Liam**

 picture above is the gift from Liam, GIF below is one i made of Venus & Liam**

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i woke up to people jumping on the bed. i groaned as i rolled over expecting Liam to yell but when i opened my eyes i realized he was nowhere to be seen. the girls stopped jumping when they realized i was awake.

"good your up! we got a fun day ahead! get ready!" Hannah cheered as she plopped on the bed as Cheryl and Crystal copied her actions. i laughed at the girls as i suddenly had the feeling of throwing up. i pushed the bedding off of me and raced towards the bathroom where i just made before i emptied the contents out of my stomach. i groaned as i dry heaved. i felt a hand rub up and down my back as the other hand held my hair back.

i soon stopped the dry heaving and glanced up to see Cheryl behind me. i sent her a thankful smile as i groaned. "ugh this sucks." she chuckled, "yeah it does. it gets easier though." i sighed, "hope so. because if this is how it is the entire pregnancy i cant wait until this kid is born." she laughed as she nodded knowing what i meant.

i was glad i had Cheryl, she went through this, she was like a mother figure to me, since my mother wasn't here to help me through this and my soon to be mother in law was being a bitch.

after i brushed my teeth 3 times and rinsed my mouth with mouthwash i turned and hugged Cheryl. she was surprised but hugged back, "well okay." she giggled as i pulled back, "thank you. your like a sister and mother tied into one. i wouldnt be able to go through with this without you. my mother isnt in my life, never has been. and my soon to be mother in law is being a bitch which is nothing new. so thank you.." she smiled and hugged me tightly, "anytime girl. Liam's lucky to have you and im glad he did. we may have dated for a couple years but hes still a friend, and im just glad that i get to know the girl who won his heart."

we pulled back and i smiled. "alright well let me get clothes and a shower." she nodded and smiled, "oh and Liam is gonna make breakfast in 20 minutes. he left something on the dresser for you." she winked as i raised an eyebrow. i quickly grabbed my clothes for the day and took a quick shower. once i was done i quickly changed, did my makeup simple and blow dried my hair before putting half of my brown hair into a bun leaving the rest flowing down my back. i slipped my socks on before opening the door and walking into my bedroom. i was so glad to have a conjoined bedroom with a bathroom.

i grabbed my black vans and slipped them on before seeing something on the dresser. the girls watched my moves as i grabbed the small box wrapped and a piece of paper. i went and sat on the bed as the girls all crowded around me to see what Liam got me. i unwrapped the gift carefully before opening the box and gasped as i saw a gorgeous 2 heart combined necklace. one of the hearts was full with black stones whereas the other on was full of white stones. i felt tears fill my eyes as i carefully handed the necklace to Crystal who was grinning as she carefully put the necklace on. it fell just before my breasts and i held the necklace with delicate care.

𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓨𝓸𝓾 ♥ 𝐿𝒾𝒶𝓂 𝒫𝒶𝓎𝓃𝑒Where stories live. Discover now