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She sat there without even moving, that cold breeze which touched her skin didn't made her filch. The sound of the waves hitting the rocks echoed as a soothing music at her ears. The small water drops which travelled in air from that beech initiated a small smile on her rosy lips. That orange sky made her heart flutter for no reason. Even in that crowd which gathered in that beach to witness that graceful sunrise, she felt a unique peace which all other places failed to give her.

 Even in that crowd which gathered in that beach to witness that graceful sunrise, she felt a unique peace which all other places failed to give her

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After a long wait sun rose from his deep slumber and graced his fans by lifting his head up from the deep sea. That sun rise implanted a new belief in her heart, and Ragini has no idea what that meant.

As soon as the sun completely shown himself out, that orange sky turned into deep sky blue, spreading a kind of warmth in every heart assembled there. But for Ragini, it expressed something else. That clear sky with not a small cloud present remained her of her life. Her life is also the same, too clear and too plain. There is nothing special in her life to say so.

Ignoring her thoughts she landed herself in that stone bench which was placed near the seashore.

Kanyakumari is the only place where three seas confluence and is really a best place for a family trip

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Kanyakumari is the only place where three seas confluence and is really a best place for a family trip. Ragini always wished to come here with her Laksh, at least for once. Even though she is here now, he is not here to be with her. As she was enjoying the marvelous scenery before her she heard a call and turned back to find a fortune teller standing behind her.

"Dear, show me your hand, I will tell your future" a woman, probably in her mid 50's said with a stick in her hand. Ragini nodded her head in negative and turned to the other side. But that Lady was not in the mood to leave her. She again asked her just to show her hand for a single time.

At last Ragini took a pink rupee note from her purse and placed it on that woman's hand. "Take this but I don't want to hear anything as my fortune is too bad to hear" she said and walked away.

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