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Hi guys back with the next part..

Ragini took a old box and opened it and took out one of Laksh's old photo one she took without his knowledge during her college days. Placing that photo close to her heart she spoke.

"trust me Laksh, I will never give up on you like I did before. You are not just my husband, you are my first love, you are the person who stole my heart in the first glance. I won't give up in you this time" she said and hugged his photo and placed it back in box. The chilly breeze of evening made her smile genuinely after months.

As her thoughts moved back in time the long forgotten memories ran through her memory lane

That was the golden days of Ragini's life. She along with her best friend enjoyed her life to a different extant and Ajay was the brother she never had. With the first glance itself she understood that Vikranth had some feelings for her.

But, just chose to ignore that. They bonded well and in Ramya she found the care of a mother and Ajay was her brother her elder brother who shields her form any danger that dares to near her.

Her family, even though they tried to control over her, she never gave her control to them. The one person she hated more in her life is her Dad, shekar Gadodia. How can she even love him if her mother hated him. It's true that she don't know the reason for that, but she can't forgot the last words  her mother wrote. 'I regret loving you unconditionally Shekar, I regret marrying you too' that was the last lines in her mother's diary and she too hates him without knowing the reason for her mother's regret.

But her dadi and Dada loved and cared for her she can't just forgot their care for her too. So she never expressed her hate for her father openly. But it was always there deep down in her heart.

Apart from all these, there is someone else, in her life. Someone special. Someone managed tok stole her heart without her knowledge. Laksh.

He was someone who made her blush with a single glance, Ragini who was frank and bold became shy, only infornt of him.

"Ragini" her thoughts broke when she heard Ajay's call.

"the car which tried to hit us, who is that Ajay?" Ragini asked again and Ajay kept silent. If Ragini got her memories back and she forgot her relation with Laksh, then he don't dare to tell her this.

He want Ragini to live a happy life, not to fight and make her life a mess." I don't know, but I made sure that the one who tried to hit us for money regret his actions" Ajay said with a smirk and Ragini know what he meant.

"you are not lying, are you?" she crooked her eyebrows. "I dare not to lie to you Ragu" Ajay said with a smile.

Laksh entered into the room and they both stopped their talks. "Ajay, Ragini wants to roam the city, so I planned to take her out but, will you acompony us?" Laksh asked which made Ragini frown. "why not I'm always free anywa..." he dragged when he felt Ragini pinching his shoulders. He turned towards her and she glared him nodding her head negatively. He has seen the interest for Laksh in Ragini's face, so he understood that she wish to spend some time alone With him.

" Haan Laksh. Actually I have a meeting scheduled, I can't cancel it now, you both go okay, I'm going to office" Ajay balabered. "what office? Your office is not here in Chennai na Ajay and you are psychologist na?" Laksh asked and Ajay rolled his eyes.

"That my dad's friend's son's office, there is a pending deal so.." without waiting he rushed out.

"okay Ragini, get ready we. Will go now" Laksh said and went out. Ragini sighed when he was out. "God why can't you enlighten my husband that I'm trying to be close with him, he acts all dumb and giving me hard time in keeping up my act" Ragini said within herself and got ready in normal Anarkali, she knows she is not used to dress all treditinol in her past but she she has no mood to wear any model dress now.

Swara other side, kept scratching her head in confusion. She really heard Ragini calling her half-sister. But if she really has memory loss then how is it possible. And after that Ragini behaved totally normal.

Swara knows that she did no good to Ragini all these yet, but she never feared of Ragini, because the Ragini she knows is naive and innocent, even though she turned evil she can't thing past Laksh. But this Ragini, the old Ragini. Swara afraid to play with her. Her phone beeped and her eyes widen. Without anyone's knowledge she sneeked out to garden and called that number.

"Why did you called now? What if someone caught me?" Swara shouted as soon as the other person answered.

"why are you shouting at me idiot, you are totally useless can't you collect a single information correctly?" the other person shouted back.

"shahil, mind your tone, you are the useless one,staying away and ordering me to do this and that, what information I gave you wrongly?" swara is really angry over Shahil. He can't even find a good medicine which can kill and now shouting and bossing over her.

" idiot, you told me that Ragini forgot her present and got her past memoires back na? She called me today "shahil said and swara's heart beat increased." she already know you from the past, isn't it. Then what is the problem " swara asked.

" the problem is she knows not only me but you too, she knows that you are my ally, how is this possible if she forgot her past" shahil's question made sense.

"But she really forgot Laksh, otherwise Ragini can never stay away form her Laksh, may be she... I don't know Will call you later" swara said and cancelled the call when she found someone nearing her.

Laksh showed Ragini different parts of the city and they buth enjoyed each other's company. Without other one's knowledge that closeness healed the pain in their heart. Together like this after a long time and they wished that to never change.

After many places they finally visited the beach. "you love beaches na Ragini?" Laksh asked and she nodded with a smile. "why?" he asked. He never had time to enjoy little little happiness with Ragini. Now he want to know her completely, he want to give her happiness and surprises. He want to see smile in her face eveytime he saw her.

"because the melody of sea sooths me more than anything else. Nothing can be compared to that melody" she said looking at that deep blue sea.

"nothing?" he asked raising his eyebrow. "yes, there is a thing which is sweeter than this, the heartbeat of my man" she said locking hereyes with him. "the rythm if his heart beat is more melodious then this" she said not moving her eyes form his.

"where is your man now?" Laksh don't know why he asked that. He wanted her to answer that it is him but he knows that is impossible.

"he is in front of me" she siad and Alskh turned back to see who it is. Ragini slapped herself mentally and cursed him for being this dumb. Both of them froze when they found Vikranth and Ramya standing there.

"that day Vikranth Proposed her and she accepted his proposal" Ajay's words echoed in his mind and his eyes got filled with tears.

Ragini who saw the expression less face of her husband understood what he might be thinking but she didn't want to reveal her feeling when Ramya was around..

A update after a long time, hope you like this chapter, short one. I know but will try to give a long one soon.

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tendtepushpa Shri akka, belated happy birthday to you. I tried to write a os for you but failed. So I thought to dedicate this part to you. This is the story which made us meet and I can't forgot that. So a new update after 5 months for you akka. Love you.

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