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Hi guys sorry for the late update

"Tell him the truth" Ragini said and Ajay looked at her shocked. He didn't expect these words from Ragini, at least not at this situation.

"He may not withstand that" Ajay expressed his worry but her reply stunned him. "I don't care" that's all she said.

"You may not care, but I do okay" he said and his tone expressed the anger. "I can't just sit and witness your life getting spoiled in front of my eyes just because of your ego" his words did hurt her.

"If you want me to be alive then you have to follow me in my way without asking questions, can you?" her voice was so determined.

"Hmm" that's all he said but deep down in his heart he knows that it was not Ragini who is in fault but Laksh. Broken hearts are the most dangerous and Ajay stood there without any other choice than following that broken heart of Ragini, after all he can't afford to break her more.

It was Laksh's fault that she was like this. There is a limit of using a person, and Laksh exceeded that limit a year ago. Whatever the reason may be but pretending to be dead is never a good option. Problems can't be solved just by running away nor by hiding beneath, it has to be faced which Laksh failed to do. But now he was forced to face the problem from which he can never run nor hide, Ragini.

The next day was a usual day for Abhimanyu Khurana. He with the woman who claimed herself as his wife and his child Mishika walked on the sand beach, enjoying the warmth provided by the Morning sun but that warmth burned a person who is standing a few steps behind of them.

Ragini was an ordinary human and not some Mahan to sacrifice everything she ever had. It can be seen from her past itself, she never let a stone unturned to get her Laksh, but now when she stood silent witnessing him with another woman, a new fear occupied Ajay's mind.

He tried his best to find Laksh before Ragini does when he learned that Laksh is still alive 6 months back. His that search led them to the tip of India from Chennai.

"Ajay" he turned when he heard Ragini calling his name.

"Ready for the game" her words made him shiver for no reason, why not he is jumping into a Lake even after knowing that he can't swim.

"Hmm" that's all he managed to said before dragged away by her near the place where Abhimanyu is standing.

"Hi Mr. Abhi" her words made him stumble for a second. He turned back and found her standing there with a broad smile in her lips.

It's after a long time she is smiling and Laksh badly wanted to hug her so close so that they can never be separated again.

"Hi Ragini, Mansi's words made them turn towards her. "Hey, we own a resort here; can you join us for breakfast?" Ragini asked and Mansi looked at Abhi for permission.

"But Ragini we have other plans, so I think I can't" Laksh tried to reject, he doesn't knows that what changed in Ragini that she is totally opposite than yesterday, but if he is going to spent time with her then he is surely to spoil everything.

"Sorry for forcing you again, but this is my treat for my engagement and you really saved me yesterday feels like I owe you, so please ..." she pleaded but nothing after the word engagement reached his mind after that word engagement.

Suddenly he felt like his heart is not beating anymore. He controlled himself by fisting his hands.

"Wow! Congratulation" Mansi shook her hands with Ragini but her eyes are fixed at Laksh who looked like a Zombie than.

"So could you introduce your fiancé to me?" Laksh asked all of sudden. He believed that she was lying as he was damn sure that his Ragini can never love anyone else.

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