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Hi guys here are the next part.

Do comment and share guys. I'm expecting more form you people. Anyways enjoy this part.

Laksh slid down that cold hospital walls. His heart is barely beating and his limbs are numb. He felt like his soul left his body long back. He flet like a zombie and his heart sunk at the thought of losing her.

A deep grudge against the person who is responsible for her this state aroused in his mind but fade within seconds as his cowardice is the major cause.

Ajay who crossed that path saw Laksh who is a complete mess now.

"Laksh" he called and Laksh raised his head to meet the owner of that call. Without any reason all the hate he had on Ajay faded away at then and he saw a different person in front of him.

"I'm the reason of this whole mess Ajay, I'm the whole reason for Ragini's present state, and it's because of me she is suffering like that. The best thing I can do now is walking out of her life. I don't know what relation you both share, but I believe that only you can take care of her. I have seen trust in her eyes when she takes your name. Don't break that as I did" Laksh said and Ajay looked at him with shock.

"Laksh are you mad?"Ajay shouted when he heard the nonsense words of Laksh about Leaving Ragini.

"Why are you even thinking about leaving Ragini again, you don't deserve her, I agree with your that point but she loves you ore than anything and you think that she will able to live without you? Never, at least not in this life she can spend without being you near her. Try to understand and be the man she ever wanted you to be "Ajay tried to implant some life lessons into the hard skull of Laksh but less that he know that Laksh is a person who has a reflector in his mind. Everything going towards there just got reflected back without entering into his brain.

"You are not getting the fact Ajay; she can never be safe with me. Her life will always be on danger if she was with me just like happened before" Laksh said and that gave enough clue for Ajay to understand that Laksh is hiding something big.

"I thought that you loved Ragini even though you didn't love your child but you proved me wrong. You never loved Ragini or her unborn child" Ajay said and the next second Laksh's palm is in Ajay's cheeks.

"How dare you to say that I didn't love my child and my Ragu? You don't even have an idea about the pain I undergone when I lost my child in front of my very own eyes" Laksh as usual provided the required information to Ajay with his own mouth.

"Okay I got what I expected from you, now tell me how can you witness Ragini losing her child when you knows that just few hours ago?" Laksh knows from Ajay's words that he can't escape now.

"I was the one who admitted Ragini on the day she fell unconscious on the road and then the doctor informed that she had a miscarriage" Laksh's words are crystal clear yet Ajay is not some fool like Laksh to get fooled easily.

"I want the whole truth" he paused, "if you want your Ragu to be alive" that smirk in Ajay's face made Laksh believe that only Ajay can save her then.

Laksh admitted Mansi in the hospital and about to leave when he got a phone call from her dad asking him to stay with mansi if he wanted his family alive but when he told that man about him being married and his love for his Ragini, he left Laksh to go.

With lot of hopes to meet his love after three long days, but before he touch the gate of his mansion, his phone beeped. He opened watsapp and shocked when found a video in which Ragini is walking and someone is holding a knife behind her.

From that day he started to receive calls in which a person will be blackmailing him with her life. When Laksh got enough of that person he decided to go against him. He walked to reach her but suddenly saw her falling down unconscious. He admitted her in hospital and that doctor informed him that she is pregnant that second his happiness has no bounds.

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