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"that Sim was registered under the name, Ajay Ramanathan" Vikranth's words froze Ragini. The phone in her hand slipped and touched the floor.

"No.. A-Ajay will not do that, he can't hurt his younger sister" Ragini told to herself. The time she spend with him ran as a flim in her mind. The most trusted person of her life, doing this is something unexpectable for her. To be honest her mind stopped working.

She took her her mobile in her hands and placed it again in her ears. "hello Vikranth, what did you said. I can't hear you clearly" she asked again hoping to get a different reply this time.

'that Sim card is registered under Ajay's name Ragu, he is the one who bakckmailed Laksh" Vikranth's words broke her heart.

"But why? Why should he do this? No way, Ajay will never do anything that hurt me Vikranth" Ragini cried.

"I know Ragini, but I don't know what to say.." Vikranth dragged his words and Ragini hanged up the call without thinking about anything else.

She can't actually accept the fact that Ajay did all these, why should he do that. He is her.. Her best friend. Her Ajay anna, why he has to do that? She can't find the answer for that question.

She stood up and rushed to the room Laksh is staying right now.

"Laksh, do me a help come with me., we are going to meet Ajay now" she said and he without asking a question went with her.

Ajay waited for her in his terrace, thousands of thoughts ran through his mind. How he is going to face Ragini? that is the only thing that bothered him.

She is his younger sister and he had no idea whether she will forgive him or not for the betrayal he did to her. He wanted the land beneath him to engulf him so that he don't have to face her once again.

His conscience didn't let him be in peace, it kills him with that guilty feeling he had in his heart.

When he got to know form his sources, what Vikranth found, he knows what's coming for him. He knows that it won't take more time for Ragini to stand before him.

His trance broke when he heard the sound of a car stopping infornt of his residence.

"why?" Ragini asked holding his collar and Ajay stood unmoved. Laksh who saw this was confused and can't understand anything happening over there.

"tell me Ajay, why why did you did this to me Why?" she asked with tear filled eyes and he bend his head down in shame.

"Look at me Ajay, tell me why did you do this?" the tears in Ragini's eyes hurted him more.

Vikranth who arrived there with Ramya stood controlling his anger. He didn't expected this from his best friend.

"open your mouth idiot!" she shouted. "tell me what i did to you that you placed me before your own life" her this words made Ajay raise his head and look at her.

"Ra-Ragini" Ajay stood frozen when the Words of Ragini reached his mind.

"Don't try to be smart Ajay, I know whatever happened in my life, you didn't did that. I won't take me more than few minutes to figure out that riddle, but tell me why did you tried to frame yourself in it. Tell me Ajay" she asked and took his hands and placed them over her head thus preventing him from lying.

When Vikranth told Ragini that was Ajay's Sim, she was shocked for a moment. But she is no fool, the third person behind Swara and Sahil, that one didn't know that the person she loved is Laksh, but Ajay does. So that person is not Ajay but someone related to Ajay. When she can find till this then that's no big deal to find the truth.

"Why are you even pleading to him Ragini, let me kill him for his betrayals" Vikranth took a step forward, but stopped when he heard Ajay's next words.

"I don't want to hate her like she hate you Ragini, I don't want you to hate me when you knows that I hid particular part of your past with a intention" he said and Ragini hugged him the next second.

"I don't want you to hate the girl who was my wife, even after she spoiled your life, insteed I tried to correct her all mistakes" he added.

Ramya who saw this started to tensed up as everyone's glare turned towards her. "Ajay what are you blabbering? Why are you even dragging Ramya into this?" Vikranth shouted but became silent with Ragini's glare.

"it's not Ajay Vikranth, it's Ramya who blackmailed Laksh and convinced Sahil and Swara into all these" Ragini said fixing her eyes at Ramya and Ramya smirked.

"pahhh! Finally the great Ragini Maheshwari, found her true enemy. That too after years" Ramya laughed.

"I never thought that it will take you this much time to figure out this, you are indeed dumb Ragini. Your that you knows everything attitude, didn't helped you this time" she added and Laksh stood confused. He has no idea that Ragini knows him being blackmailed, that means Ragini didn't lost her memories.

"why Ramya, what I did to you that you are hell bend on destroying me?" Ragini asked with a tear filled eyes.

"What you didn't do Ragini? You did everything, every single thing you stole everything I had everyone's love and attention, do you expect me leave you after all this?" Ragini saw a different level hate in that eyes.

"it was me who met Ajay first and we both are already in relationship when you entered in our life, but what happened then, you became more important for him. He was always behind you calling you his younger sister, it was him who found your family background and your dad's illegal relationship with that sumi, after that he made sure, that you won't got to know about that, like that, he cared for you in each and every matter, as if you are his blood related sister, and then Vikranth, he is my brother and atleast I expected him to care for me like Ajay cares for you and guess what even he was behind you Ragini, behind you "she said and Ragini stood rooted unable to believe all the accuses her best friend made on her.

" you are a attention seeker Ragini, truly you are and then you fall in love with some one, and I don't want that to happen, when I got to know that Sahil has one sided feelings for you, I decided to play a game, A game which will destroy your heart into peices.

I asked Sahil to blackmail you and find who is your lover, even at this point Ajay knows the person whom you loves but know what he refused to say that to me. That is what infuriated me more, I don't want him to give more importance to you than me. I should be the one to get his prime attention but you grabbed them from me. And I asked Sahil to blackmail you with the life of the person you love. Even that spoiled when you played another game by accepting Vikranth's proposal and I planned your death which missed and you loss your memory " her words shocked everyone there except Ajay.

" But I never did nothing with any intention "Ragini cried," then why? Even after I lost my memory, why you kept ruining my life Ramya "Ragini asked.

" because Ajay was hell bend on making everything right. He cared for you and only you. So I made him marry be, reasoning that I'm already broken and afraid with your accident and he did, but while you are still in hospital, he found my true face. You know what he did? He gave me. Divorce paper the next day, tell me now, I have all reasons to hate you Ragini I have "she chided.

" He made sure that you never know about my existence, he made sure to erase me and Vikranth from your life, as he doubted Vikranth's hand with me. He is hell bend on uniting you with your love. He made that alliance with Maheshwari family, but i was dumb enough to use my Brian then, otherwise, i would have found your lover Laksh then itself "this made Laksh shocked but he never spoke a word.
Ragini who can't tolerate all this held her hand with her hands..

Precap: final update.

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