Waking Up

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[a/n: This was mostly inspired by the fact that I woke up from anesthesia earlier today so the process is nice and fresh in my mind :D Of course, this isn't a completely accurate account of the process, but it's pretty close]


     Taehyung felt his consciousness coming back to him.

     Thin cotton was wrapped around his body, with a thicker layer over top of him. He opened his eyes slightly, seeing a thick white blanket over his body, a light blue gown peeking out from underneath it. His hands were layed by his sides, one with an IV stuck in it, and he became aware of a quiet beeping sound.

     When he looked up, the first thing he was Jungkook. He sat in a chair, facing Taehyung's cot, elbows resting on his spread knees, head hanging in front of him. Taehyung took a deep breath and willed himself to move. The beeping sound sped up. Jungkook's head shot up immediately. 

     "Taehyung! You're awake!" He moved to stand on his knees beside the cot, holding Taehyungs hand- the one without the IV in it- and pressing the 'call nurse' button at the same time.

     "Jungkook?" Taehyung slurred quietly. He looked beyond tired, but his eyes held a fondness reserved only for the boy who clung so desperately to his hand.

     "Taehyung, do you understand what I'm saying?" Jungkook asked.


     "Do you know your birthday?"

     "The thirtieth of December," He murmured through a sigh.

     "Good, that's really good," Jungkook whispered, more to himself than to anyone else.

     A mint green figure appeared behind the opaque glass, followed by a knock. Without waiting for a response, a nurse in green scrubs opened the door.

     "Is- Oh, he's awake!" She smiled and quickly closed the door behind her. "Did he just wake up?" 

     Jungkook nodded and stepped back so she would have room to asses Taehyung's state. She glanced at the monitor displaying her heart rate, then grabbed a thermometer from a rack of various medical supplies.

     "I'm going to slide this across your forehead, okay? How do you feel? Any nausea?" She slid it across his forehead and down under one ear, then looked at the numbers.

     Jungkook watched with his eyebrows furrowed, wringing his hands.

     "I'm good. Tired." Taehyung replied, still slurring his words.

     The nurse nodded. "I'm going to go grab you some apple juice, okay?" She turned to Jungkook, "If he starts feeling nauseous, there are biohazerdous waste bags in there." She pointed to a cabinet on the other side of the cot. 

     As she walked away, she spoke into a walkie talkie attached to her shirt collar, saying something Jungkook didn't care to pay attention to. He stood and leaned over Taehyung to give him a hug and a peck on his cheek.

     "Do you know how long you've been asleep?" he asked.

     Taehyung shook his head.

     "The anesthesia was affecting you longer than it should've. you slept for three hours," Jungkook whispered, running his fingers through Taehyung's hair.

     "Hm. Why'm I still tired th'n?" The older garbled.

     Jungkook let out an emotional chuckle, wiping a tear from his eye.

     The nurse came back and gave Taehyung a sippy cup of apple juice. After about thirty more minutes, he was discharged. Jungkook drove him home, amused at the conversations he had with Taehyung as the older was quite loopy.

[a/n: They are adults; the sippy cup  is something they give to most patients after going under anesthesia to prevent them from spilling all over themselves]


     When they woke up the next day, the first thing Taehyung did was give Jungkook a big hug.

     Jungkook hugged back, chuckling.

     "What's this for?" He asked gently.

     Taehyung smiled and ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair. "I don't remember much of yesterday, but I remember you being there. You were the first thing I saw when I woke up, and you were with me through the whole process. Thank you."

     Jungkook smiled and gave Taehyung a quick kiss.

     "Of course. Anything for you, Tae."

     Taehyung smiled brightly. His face seemed to fill the room with sunshine. He was truly the light of Jungkook's life.

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