- letters to edith!

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..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈
― a short story based on my
gcse media studies coursework

in which...
harry potter falls for edith
harrington and writes her
love letters he never intends
to send.
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈

or in which...
after harry's relationship with ginny
weasley breaks down, leaving him with
nothing but an empty flat and a broken
heart, harry bumps into a muggle woman
who seems to have her entire life perfected.
when harry feels himself become more
and more infatuated with edith harrington,
the young man begins to write her love
letters, but never has the courage to send
them. it's only a matter of time before
harry's letter writing becomes his sole
beacon of happiness in his colourless
and seemingly pathetic life.
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈

..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈
edith harrington | julia roberts

🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈INTRODUCING!edith harrington | julia roberts

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❝ harry, do you have x-ray vision? ❞

harry potter | daniel radcliffe

❝  edith, i'm a wizard not a superheroyou imbecile

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❝ edith, i'm a wizard not a superhero
you imbecile. ❞

..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈
a brief disclaimer!
i do not own the harry potter
franchise, nor any of its characters,
plots etc. i do however own edith
and her storyline, so if you try to
copy me, bugger off.

started: 27/10/2019
finished: 31/10/2019
rewriting as of 14/10/2020

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐇 ―harry potter.Where stories live. Discover now