letter twelve!

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twelve | 31st december 1999

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twelve | 31st december 1999
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈

     Dear Edith,

     I think I'm in love with you.

     It's odd to think that a little under three months ago we were complete strangers, and now you're — well, you're my girlfriend. Life sure works in mysterious ways, and I'm not complaining one bit.

     It's New Years Eve today, and you're spending the evening at my flat. I don't normally celebrate New Years; it used to seem rather stupid to me — another year, another attempt from Voldemort to finish me off. You spend a lot of time in my flat nowadays. It's not too far from where you work, and unless you have something to do or somewhere to be, you sleep over. Those days are always the highlights of my week.

     I love it when you stay with me, it makes me imagine our future — if we have a future that is, which I really hope we do — and what life might be like if we lived together. Perhaps, we'd have a dog, and perhaps we'd have a tv show that would be 'ours'. One to watch when it's cold outside, when we cuddle up on the sofa to pass the time, like you see on those cheesy romantic comedies. Maybe we would watch Frasier, or Seinfeld, or Friends. And then we'd eat breakfast together, and just lay in bed all day. You, me, our dog, and a lazy day spent together, without a care in the world.

     That would be a dream come true, for me at least. I just hope that you want it too.

     Sorry; I'm rambling.

     Harry xxx

edited 18/10/2020
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈

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