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four | 19th november 1999

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four | 19th november 1999
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈

     Dear Edith,

     I read Winter Swans. It's a lovely poem; I now understand why it's your favourite. However, looking back I probably shouldn't have read it while downing a bottle of firewhisky — everything appears so depressing when doused in alcohol. As I my drunken state grew, so did my anger. I ended up punching a wall, which subsequently doesn't seem like it was a very good idea — a thought you shared with me when I next saw you.

     When we met up this morning the first thing you spotted was my bandaged hand. Concern radiated from your face at first, but then you shook your head and asked: 'Harry, please tell my you didn't punch a wall?' And when I looked at you with a sheepish smile, you replied with a simple 'pack it up Chad'. I have no idea what that means, but I didn't think to ask. I'm awkward like that.

     You then told me all about your family and your childhood. I know a lot about you now; where you grew up, your first dog, where you went to school, where your parents are from. You talk every so much whenever we meet up, but I think you're getting tired of talking about yourself. I can see it in your eyes. You don't say anything though, you're too nice for that. I would tell you about myself but I wouldn't want to risk you finding out that I'm a wizard, especially when we've only just become friends. I have a feeling that would throw a major spanner in the works.

     Speaking of friends, Ron and Hermione are starting to get suspicious. They're wondering where I go every week. But I don't want you to meet them yet, I want to keep our meetings special and just the both of us. It's nice to have a place of solace, specially when you're there.

     Thank you for keeping me steady.

     Harry Potter xx

edited 18/10/2020
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈

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