- foreword!

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foreword | the end of an era

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foreword | the end of an era
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈

THE 2ND MAY 1998 was a day Harry Potter would never forget; his world seemed to truely begin and end all at the same time. After the Second Wizarding War had ended and the school he once called home was littered with dust and rubble, reminding every witch and wizard of the countless people who had sacrificed their lives for the greater good. It was then that Harry seemed to have lost his purpose in life. The young man had spent seven years of his life dedicated to one sole purpose, albeit in various forms, and now there was nothing. Everything had slipped through his fingers, like nothing but mere sand. It was all over. Just where would he go from there?

It was suffice to say that Harry Potter was lost; he was stuck im a tiny rowing boat drifting through a vast ocean, and had nowhere to go. The young man didn't want the fame that had been carelessly thrust upon him. He didn't want the rounds of applause and flashing of cameras. He didn't want any of it. Harry James Potter was drowning and he didn't know how to scream for help.

But alas, although his life was causing him endless grief, Harry could say he had the most wonderful family. The Weasley's had taken him in as one of their own and Hermione had always been like the sister he never had. But war does not only affect the hero. The Weasley's were grieving over the loss of their son, and Hermione had gone to search for her parents. Every wizard, no matter who they were or where they were from, had lost someone.

Harry wasn't alone in his plight.

The death of Fred Weasley saddened everyone who knew him, but his family and closest friends were affected the most. This most devastating loss cast an immense emotional strain upon Harry's relationship with Ginny. Their relationship was doomed from the outset.

In the months following the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Ginny began to drift further into their own voids of darkness, and started to lose each other along the way. But alas, not all hope was lost, as on 17th October 1998 Molly Weasley sat her only daughter and surrogate son down at the family dinner table to demand they sort things out.

And they did.

The events that followed Molly's intervention became some of the happiest times of Harry's young-adult life - at least for a while. You see, it all seemed to end as quickly as it had begun. Harry Potter's happiness was fleeting; a momentary flash of sunlight that paused the rain. In life, some things are just not meant to last, and poor Harry Potter had to learn that the hardest way possible.

..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈
5th august, 1999!

"What do you mean you're leaving?!" Harry asks, his eyebrows furrowed in a look of bewildered pain. His eyes are desperately trying to search the morals of the woman stood before him, but all he can see is grey; a lacklustre of dark.

The sight before him is one of Ginny Weasley frantically packing a small black suitcase, her red hair flying about like phoenix feathers. The woman Harry loves so dearly glances at him and sighs; she hates to see the man she once loved looking so hurt and helpless. "It's like I told you, there's someone else." Ginny says softly, a look of remorse clouding her features. "You and I, we used to work, but look at us Harry, what we have isn't real love. What we have is a mutual dependency, we need each other to distract us from our crumbling lives."

Harry opens his mouth, trying to form just one argument convincing enough to make the girl stay. But a weak and feeble, "I... I don't understand." Is all the young man can muster. He has missed his chance.

"The war changed us Harry," Ginny speaks up once again, taking ahold of Harry's hands. "You're in love with a version of me that simply no longer exists. I've found someone else, and you should too. I will always have loved you, but we need to move on. I'm sorry Harry. I'll miss you."

And that was it. With one swift movement she was gone. The one thing that had kept Harry afloat for just under ten months, had left him to drown once again, slipping through his fingers no matter how hard he tried to hold on.

And so on the night of 5th August 1999, Harry Potter was left alone to save himself once again, left up succumb to the inner demons he had spent so long trying to expel. All hope seemed lost. Until, that is, a woman named Edith Harrington runs into Harry. Quite literally.

..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈
amelia speaks!
hello all! wow it's almost a year
since this book was first published,
that's crazy! as you can see i've
edited and rewritten quite a large
chunk of this book, as after seeing
how much love and support it has
received recently (thanks so much
by the way!) i felt it needed to
reflect how i have grown and
improved as a writer over the last
year. (and looking back, this is so
pooorly written, ew, i write so much
better than i used to, i promise!)

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐇 ―harry potter.Where stories live. Discover now