letter eight!

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eight | 11th december 1999

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eight | 11th december 1999
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈

     Dear Edith,

     We've now been on four proper dates, and I still haven't had the courage to kiss you properly. Merlin, I am such a mess, and that's all your fault. Not in a bad way of course, but in the sense that you're just so perfect and so wonderful, that what can I do to compare? To me you're an ethereal being that brings so much joy to my life, and for that I thank you.

     I'm sorry, that was cheesy.

     I called you earlier, and in some miraculous moment of courage I asked you out on our fifth date. I probably seemed too eager, after all we've only just had our fourth date, but you said yes nonetheless. I'm just hoping that the right moment to tell you how I feel comes up tomorrow. I want to be as open with you as possible, which given the circumstances isn't open at all, but I'm working on it.

    Ron and Hermione still don't know about you or us. But I want them to wait a bit before they find out. I just know that as soon as Hermione finds out she'll be incessantly badgering me to meet you. It seems selfish, but I want to keep us a secrecy for a while longer, things just seem more special that way.

     Harry xx

edited 18/10/2020
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺゜ ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈

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