Chapter 3: Reunion

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(Reaper PoV)

I woke up the next day and decided to have a quick shower. I turned on the water and started looking at my arms and legs. Remembering what happened that day. After I finished, I turned off the water and dried up, then got dressed and decided to wake Osiris up, "{Come on, time to go for Breakfast Osiris}" I said to him, he got up and nodded. We walked to the cafeteria, I had both Jester's and dragon's handguns on me, we walked over to a table with no one on it and sat down. We sat down and I lifted my Balaclava up a bit so I could eat. Then my worst nightmare sat next to me.

"Hey Osiris and Reaper." I heard Ela say, she sat next me. Then Someone else sat across from her with a baby in their hands. "Hey, I'm Y/n "Therapist" L/n, and this is Shantelle L/n. our child." He said to us. "{Fuck. I've got a niece and I didn't even fucking know.}" I said to Osiris. "{Don't worry about it}" Osiris said to me. "{Hey Osiris, can you ask Ela to meet me in my Dorm after this.}" I asked him."{Yeah sure}" he said. "Hey Elzbieta Bosak, can you meet E....Reaper in our dorm after this?" He asked for me. "Yeah sure, why?" Ela asked. "She will tell you." I walked off after finishing and 5 mins later I was at my Dorm. 5 mins later I got a knock on the door, I opened it and it was Ela.

"Hey Reaper. What did you need?" She asked. This is already harder than it has to be. But I trust Ela, she went through the exact same as me. I gestured her to sit down. I then sat down and took of my mask, I saw her face as she realised who I was. "Hey sis." I said before we both hugged each other and started crying.

"Where have you been? Dad just said you were dead, we both thought you were dead." Ela asked me. "I almost died, but that was about a year ago. I'm guessing Dad hated me when I told him he wasn't my father and I left the house for good." I said back.

"Why didn't you keep in touch with us?" she asked. "Because I thought you would have hated me for leaving, I just never thought you would love me like a sister again." I said back. She was really happy to see me but had a lot of questions. "Why didn't you speak when I saw you yesterday?" She asked.

"Simply because I don't trust anyone. No-one but you, Osiris and my old team have seen my face in since I left the house. I just don't trust easily anymore. I can speak to Osiris secretly without people hearing." I said back to her.

"Why do you trust me?" she asked. "Because I hacked everyone's file this morning and you went through the exact same thing I did with Dad. And you're my family." I replied.

She hugged me again and started to stand up. "We need to tell Zofia." She said. "No, please. Don't tell anyone my name, what I look like, or that we are related. Please. I will still speak to you but only when it just us two. I'm sorry but I don't trust anyone else right now." I pleaded with her. She understood. And I put my Balaclava back on we left the dorm, we went back to the café and both Osiris and Therapist was there. Still talking.

"You look happy." Osiris said to us both. "{You told her}". I only nodded to his response.

"Can Operators Osiris, Reaper, Ela, Doc, Lesion, Alibi, Clash and Frost come to the training room."

"Ela can you show us the training room?" Osiris asked her. She nodded and we followed her to the training room.

Harry was there with the other operators, they came up one by one to introduce. "Operators, this is Osiris and Reaper." Harry said to us.

"Hey, I'm Liu Tze Long, aka Lesion."

"I'm Aria De Luca, Alibi on the field."

"I am PC Morowa Evans, Clash."

"I am Tina Lin Tsang, or Frost on the field. Its nice to meet you."

Then the final person got up to introduce himself. I instantly recognised his Voice. "I am Gustave Kateb, the field Medic of Rainbow. Just call me Doc when you need me." I wanted to thank him but I held back my composure, ill thank him later.

"This is a the "Clear" Game mode, attackers must kill all defenders to win, and vice versa. Please grab your preferred training rifle and go set up. Osiris and Reaper, you are the attackers, so stand by me when you're ready.

We got ready and waited for the defenders to be ready. Then an announcer appeared.

"3 minutes on the clock, attackers, you may begin the breach."

We started moving towards the main entrance. "{Mini-gun?}" I asked Osiris. "{I would but I don't have training rounds in it, I will end up killing them.}" he replied. "{Awe no fun}" I said as I ripped down the barricade and start to move up. I hear someone on the stairs. "{target on stairs, watch out."} I said to Osiris. I moved around the building and found Alibi, I walked closer to her and pulled out a knife, silent is better. That's when I notice a metal strip on the floor, I turned on thermal and saw that there was no heat signature. So, I stabbed it at the metal strip and it powered down. "{Be careful about holograms Osiris}" I said to him. "{Copy.}" he responded. I found lesion near the hologram, looking the wrong way, so went up behind him and checked for metal strip, just in case. There wasn't one and I "Stabbed" him, he dropped the floor.

"2 minutes remain, 5 defenders remain." I walked upstairs and see the target from earlier, I quickly ran up and shot her, direct headshot. It was Ela. I kneeled beside her. "Sorry sis." I whispered to her.

"4 Defenders remain."

I moved upstairs and I hear some screaming, sounded like Frost and Alibi.

"2 Defenders remain."

Both me and Osiris got to a room, we knew that Clash and Doc were in here. "{Go invisible and walk in.}" I said to Osiris. He went invisible and instantly stepped into a frost mat. He was fine, the trap only gave away his position. He got hailed by bullets.

"1:30 Remaining, 1 attacker left."

Right let's try it this way. I threw a grenade in the direction I know they were. I managed to get clash and downed Doc.

"1 Defender remaining."

He stimmed himself to get up and managed to shoot at me, but due to my speed he missed. I heard him reloading and knew this was my chance. I ran at him and shot him with the D50 and shot him. He was out.

"Attackers win, reset simulations."

I helped Doc and Clash up. Then walked outside where Ela and Osiris were waiting for me. I waited for Doc and decided to gesture him to follow me. We got to our Dorm and Ela and Osiris walked in, Doc followed after I gestured him too.

"Hello Reaper. Why do you need me?" he asked, "I wanted to thank you Gustave Kateb, thank you for what you did for me after that day." I said, I trusted Doc and Ela enough to show them. Both them looked confused until I showed them my hands, completely robotic. Doc realise who I was when he saw this. "Elena, it's been too long. How's the neck?" he asked. I lifted up my balaclava to show them, he had a quick look. "Completely healed, wonderful." He said. "Am I missing something?" Ela asked, quite confused. "Why are your hands like that sis?"

"Sis?" Doc asked, a bit confused. "I'm guessing my old CO never told you my last name. Ela and Zofia are my sisters. Only Ela knows I'm alive. Don't trust anyone else for them too know. Only the people in this room know who I am." I said to Doc. "And what happened to my arms and legs. Me and my old team ran into some terrorists, and jester and Demon died," I said this as I picked up my Keratos, I brushed my thumb over the jester on its handle. "And Dragon and boss were injured, I ran over to help Dragon, but a bomber jumped us. Dragon sacrificed himself to save me." I said this, I started tearing up.

"Its ok, ill take it from here." Doc said to me. "Team rainbow ran in and managed to save her, her CO asked about a classified Program to save her. I got the go-ahead to operate. She has some fancy technology in the back oh her head, a DNI. Direct Neural Interface. It connects her Arms and Legs to her neural network." I had full on tears right now. I was hugging Osiris and was patting me trying to calm me down.

"I heard about your CO as well, killing those doctors. Was it you that Uploaded the video?" Doc asked. I nodded, And Osiris spoke, "It was by accident, she was really angry at the General and she did it without realising."

"Well then. It certainly been nice seeing you again Elena, I won't tell anyone who you are or about your condition.

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