Chapter 6: The Distrust

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(Reaper PoV.)

"You fucking bitch, you constantly destroy the hierarchy set in place." He said with a lot of anger. I calmly pulled out a piece of paper and wrote. "No-one listens to your "Hierarchy" anyway, your only weak recruits. You have no power over us." Once he read the note, I could sense the anger rise.

"YOU BITCH." He shouted as pushed the gun into the back of my head. "I would kill you for that, but you're not worth my time." As he let go, I said "Wrong move" as I quickly grabbed his legs and floored him, I grabbed his P226 and quickly took the slide off it and threw them away. His friend was then aiming his gun at me. He shot 3 bullets at me. One of them hit my arm, one hit my wrist. And the other hit my shoulder. My glove fell off the hand that was shot, due to the glove being damaged. I then picked the recruit up by his neck. Still standing on the other one.

"What are you?" he said, clearly scared of me being able to lift him up with no effort. I didn't respond. I only looked at him. Then I hear a very angry Harry. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" I just looked at him and threw the recruit to the side. I picked up my glove and hid my cybernetic hand. I tried to walk off, but Sledge stopped me.

"I'm sorry lass, but you're going to Harry's office." He said. I sighed and walked off to his office. Once I arrived, I saw that Osiris, Ela and Zofia was already there. I walked in silently. "This reminds me of when I used to get in trouble at school." Ela said whilst laughing.

Harry walked in, "Can someone please explain why there are 15 Recruits in the infirmary."

"{Tell harry that they all deserved it and are lucky to not be dead.}" I said to Osiris. "Reaper says that they deserve it and are lucky to be alive. If you look at the camera footage in the Cafeteria and Simulation building you will understand." Osiris said to Harry.

"So you did this to these recruits?" he said looking at me. I only nodded. "Why don't you speak, why does none of us know who you are?" I saw Ela and Zofia look down. "She doesn't trust anyone here Harry." Osiris said. "And with every right, we have been here four days, and two of them we were on mission, and the other Two recruits have done something to her . she has every right not to trust anyone when this is how she is treated. Never mind having trust issues from when he Old CO Betrayed her." Osiris said. Then I could tell he was sorry, he spoke too much.

"What do you mean, her old CO betrayed her. Her file was wiped clean, we only know what people have said about her. You know something none of us do Osiris. What is it?" Harry said.

"I know a lot about Reaper. Her real name, how many confirmed kills, who her parents were, who her siblings are, where she is from, Her training. Everything." Osiris said. "But I'm not telling a single soul about it until she trusts them. And right now she is losing trust in this organisation because the "Worlds finest" are pretty much bullying her. You need to find better recruits Harishva Pandey."

I was quite surprised about Osiris reacted. He seems to be controlling his anger very well. Which is something he's never done. He's usually brought out his Mini-gun by now. But I can see that arm twitching. I silently removed my hand and put it on his Mini-gun arm. I can see him calm down. I was holding three Dog tags in my hand. "{I'll do it for them Osiris. For dragon, demon and jester.}"

"{I'll send him my file.}" I said to Osiris. I grabbed the monitor in-front of harry, my hand flashed blue and I watched as my full, unredacted file emerged on his screen. "Consider this a bit of trust Harry, don't share it with anyone." I said as I got up and l left. Went back to my dorm.

(Ela PoV)

Both Osiris and Reaper left the office, I got up and was about to leave before Harry stopped me. "How long have you known that they were your sister?" he asked us both. "I knew the day after they arrived, Zofia only just got told about it, about an hour or two ago." I answered. "And you didn't think to tell anyone about this information?" he said. "I respect people privacy Harry, she wanted it private so I obliged." I said back.

"And how long did you know about the Super soldier program that she was involved in?" He asked. "I've known for about 2 days, and Zofia and Marius only found out about it. but she wanted it secret, so I again obliged." I said. He just sighed, "the reason you two are here is because we are registering unknown chatter that is being sent off from that room. It is decrypted but we can't find where it is being sent." Harry took a sip of his drink. "I want you two to monitor your sister and Osiris. They could be spies." Harry said.

"Harry, you seem to be over reacting. You don't trust them, do you?" I said to Harry. "She can speak to Osiris directly due to her DNI implant, so they can communicate secretly, its how Osiris can speak for her when she doesn't. you are probably picking that up."

"Are you disrespecting a direct command Elzbieta Bosak?" he said with anger in his voice. "You trusted Demon even though he literally hurt Eliza in self-defence, and your putting my older sister on the chopping block because you don't trust her. Harry you have no proof that she is a spy, I've just debunked the only proof you had." I said as I stormed out on the office. I walked over to Reapers Dorm and opened the door, Reaper and Osiris was there. I just walked in and closed the door behind me, I then ran up and hugged my sister and started crying.

"Woah, Ela. What's wrong?" Reaper asked me. I just started hugging her tighter. "Ela, I may be part robot but I still need air." She said, I released my grip a bit. "Harry thinks you are both spies because you can talk secretly between each other." I said between sobs. "I fucking knew that coming here was a bad idea" Osiris said. "Its not a bad idea, we just need to find a way for Harry to trust us." Reaper said back, "But how?"

"Can operators Zofia, Reaper, Sledge, Gustave and thatcher. Report to Briefing."

"Well, I'm going to do this mission and try to get harry to trust me enough to not instantly say I'm a spy." Reaper said, she then put her Balaclava on and left, I noticed that Osiris nodded at Reaper before she left. Maybe a sign of respect. 

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