Chapter 8: The Return of Six

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(Reaper PoV)

It had been about a week. Only me and Zofia knew about Sis's return. There was a party later on, Six was going to show herself then and announce her return.

I walked into six's office. Since she wouldn't answer Knocks. As people didn't know there was a replacement for harry yet.

"Hello Six." I said as I entered the room. "Hello Elena, What do I owe this appearance?" She replied. "I've decided to give you my full file, I gave it too harry but after he labelled me as a spy, I deleted all known copies." I said, I held my hand on her Monitor and my hand flashed blue. Then my Full unredacted File appeared on the screen. "There you go six, please don't tell anyone about this. And I'm still not speaking to the other operators." I said before leaving.

"You need to start soon Reaper." She said with a chuckle. I closed the door and Thatcher noticed me, "What was you doing in there? There isn't a director yet." He asked.

I handed him a piece of paper which said "You will see later on at the party" I then walked back to my Dorm and saw that Marius, Ela, Therapist, Zofia and Osiris was already there.

I've been getting closer to Marius, and Ela has noticed. And keeps on teasing me about it. I have actually spoken to Therapist, he knows who I am. As I sat down on my bed next to Marius, I saw Ela look over and giggle. Its times like these I'm happy to have a Balaclava on. So I can hide my blush. But Ela knows what's happening under this Balaclava.

"So, why don't we play truth or dare." Ela said. "Nope, Id rather not Ela." I said to her. "Come on, it'll be fun."

"Fine, but don't expect me to do everything. I'm a killer, same with Osiris." I said. I could see her face light up.

"Yay, so ill go first." For about 30 mins it was all tame, then Ela had to ask me. "So Elena, who's your crush?" and my heart sank. "I..its someone in this room, that's all I'm going to say."

I could see she was smiling. Then it went back to being tame for a bit.

"Can all operators report to the Cafeteria immediately."

"Hey Zofia, Its time for her to show herself." I said to Zofia, she just smiled. "Who's her?" Ela asked. "You'll see." Was all Zofia said as we lead them to the Cafeteria.

We saw someone on stage. "Now I know its been a strange week for everyone." The person on stage said. "But we have finally got a replacement for Harry. Now, please welcome back Aurelia Arnot."

We saw many people look at stage and watch as Six walked on stage. I could see many peoples confused look, but happy that she had returned. "Hello again operators. There are some new faces here that I haven't met yet. But I am The old Rainbow six Director. I have come back as a replacement for Harry, and I promise this Family will become better now that Harry is gone. I've heard about some of the recruits being White Masks spies. They have been found and arrested thanks to Reaper and Caviera. But, lets get this party started." As soon as she said that, the music started, and it was like a proper rave. I've not been to one before due to me just killing, so I decided to sit in a corner. Marius, Osiris and Ela joined me. We sat there on a table just chatting and laughing, I was watching everyone being drunk and falling over, except Tachanka. He is drunk but instead of falling over he just screams "I AM THE LORD" before he roles. It was strange.

During the Party, Ela got drunk. Which was fun. I've never seen my sister drunk, there's so much I've missed since I left. Two of my Nieces being born, Not being there to beat the shit out of the boys that pissed them off.

"Hey Reaper, There's another Family Reunion coming up, you must join us." Ela said. "I'm sorry but fuck that, they will definitely hate me for leaving." I said, "Nah, I thought they would have hated me, but they didn't." Ela said, "Come on, do it for me." She said. She's really guilt tripping me now. "Ill think about it Ela." I said to it.

After the party. There was a select few that weren't Drunk, like me, Osiris, Marius and Montagne. We helped them all get to their Dorms. And then went back to ours.

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