Chapter 2: The Beginning of Something New

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(1 Year after, Reaper PoV)

Me and Osiris we just chilling in our apartment. Osiris is the only one in a year to see my face or hear my voice. I had also started training myself with my new limbs and "DNI" thingy. I have realised I can hack almost anything really quick, and I can talk silently to Osiris, so if we have to work in a team, he can be my voice. I can also boost jump which I find really fun. Osiris can do the same.

I was cleaning Jesters Keratos and Dragons D50 when Osiris seemed alert all of a sudden. "What's wrong?" I said. "Four people, armed, just parked up outside. Black Lamborghini Urus." He said to me. I put my mask back on and holstered the D50 and Keratos. I picked up my MP7 and hid in a different room, I placed some simple notes around asking some questions. Osiris went invisible in the room with the notes.

(Ash PoV)

We had got out of the SUV and moved towards the apartment. We knocked on the door. "Hello, Reaper and Osiris. Open up please we want a chat." Ghost said. "They better open up soon, my patience is small." Demon said, we didn't get an answer. Ghost opened the door, it was unlocked? We moved into the living room with our handguns drawn. I noticed a note on the table. "What do you want?" "We only want to talk to you. We mean no harm." I said, that's when we heard a mini-gun spin behind us. Osiris literally appeared out of thin air. "What do you want to talk about?" Osiris said. Mini-gun barrel spinning faster. "We wanted to talk about you joining team rainbow?" "Deploying barrier." I heard Celestia say. I see a golden barrier deploy around us.

(Reaper PoV)

Team Rainbow? I decided to talk to Osiris. (I will use {these brackets} when Reaper and Osiris are talking through the Private Comms.) "{Hey Osiris, put the mini-gun away, lets talk.}" I heard the mini-gun going away and I exited my room. I saw the 4 rainbow operatives, I instantly recognised the red headed one. "What do you want to talk about?" Osiris said to them.

(Time skip of a painful convocation about joining rainbow)

"{What do you think Reaper?}" Osiris asked me. "{Eh fuck it, why not. It'll be fun. Hopefully.}" I say back to him. "We will join. When do we leave?" "Why doesn't the lady talk for herself?" The guy with Red eyes asked. "She doesn't speak that often. But I know here answer." Osiris said. "We leave Tomorrow at 12 PM, meet at the airport here." He showed me on a map. "{can you tell this man thanks.}" I asked Osiris. "She says thanks Ghost" Osiris said. He nodded and they all left. Once I was sure they had left I removed my mask. "New life with a military company. Fucking bollocks." I said, Osiris started laughing.

(Time skip to the next day, at airport.)

We met up with the rainbow operatives and they lead us over to a private Jet, we got on board and I sat next to Osiris, once we had lift off, I decided to fall asleep On Osiris's shoulder.

(Ash PoV, 1 hour later)

I look over and see Reaper asleep against Osiris. "She looks cute there." I said to Osiris. "She does this a lot. We have been through a lot together." He says. Marius calls down to us, "We are approaching Hereford base in 10 minutes. Now get ready." We grab our stuff and got ready for the landing, Osiris woke Reaper up by gently shaking her. She got up with a little yawn.

We landed and Harry was waiting for us. "Success?" he asked as we disembarked. "Yes, Meet Osiris and Reaper." I waved them over and they joined us. "Hello Harry, I am Experimental War Robot – 114 code name "Osiris", and this is Reaper." Harry shook their hands. We followed harry to his office whilst the others on the team went for lunch.

"Right, Osiris and reaper. I want you two to join rainbow. If you want to please sign these papers." Harry said to them, they both looked at the papers and seemed to be reading them, but it was inhumanely fast, the Robot I could understand, But Reaper? They both signed and harry gave them a key to their Dorms. "You will near Ela Bosak and Y/n L/n. Eliza can you please show them to their dorms.

(Reaper PoV)

SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. I didn't know one of my sisters would be here. Fucking hell. What do I do? "You ok Reaper?" I heard ash say. I just nodded. "You sure, you seem to be breathing heavily." That's when I realised, I was in fact breathing Heavily. "She will be fine, she does this sometimes. Please show us our Dorm Ms Cohen." She carried on showing us to our Dorm, I saw Ela walk out of her Dorm "Oh hey Eliza, are these the newbies?" Ela asked. "Yes they are, they will be going through the sim tomorrow." She said. They both parted and we made it to our Dorm. "This is it, if you need help, just ask Ela or Zofia Bosak. They are your neighbours." WAIT WHAT THE FUCK. THEY ARE BOTH HERE. "you sure you ok reaper?" she asked again. "Yeah she is fine, thank you Ms Cohen." Osiris said as he closed the door.

"{Reaper, what the hell happened?}" he asked using the personal Comms.

"{Elzbieta Bosak and Zofia Bosak. Fucking hell.}" I said back to him.

"{Who are they? Do they need to be eliminated?}" he said, bringing out his Mini-gun.

"{Woah, no. they do not need to be eliminated. Remember my name Osiris.}"

"{Yeah, Elena Bosak. Oh.}" I could see him realise. "{When was the last time you seen them?}"

"{Almost 10-11 ish years ago. Maybe more. I lost count.}" I said back to him. I was holding back tears. "{Should I speak to them, do they even remember me?}"

"{I'm sure they do but talking to them is up to you. I would, but I don't have siblings that are still alive.}" he said with a bit of sadness.

"{Right, I'm going to get some shut eye, night Osiris.}"

"{Night Reaper.}"

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