Chapter 4: First Mission

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(Reaper PoV)

I woke up in my bed, I decided to go towards the Café, I grabbed my mask, helmet, D50 and Keratos. I went to the Café with some equipment to Clean my Guns. After I got my food I set up and started cleaning, D50 first. I took it apart and cleaned every piece then put it back together. I then pulled out the keratos. I placed it on the table whilst I took a bite out of my food. Then some recruits walked up.

(Osiris PoV)

I woke up and realised Reaper wasn't there, I decided to go to the café to find her, first place to look is always where there's food. I walked up and Met Ela on the way. "Hey Ela." I said. "Hey Osiris. Where's El....Reaper?" she said, she gave a quick look at Therapist then back to me. He just looked confused. "I don't know, I'm guessing she's at the café that's why I'm heading there." I said. "Oh we are heading there right now, we will join you.

We continued our way over. That's when I saw some recruits around her. "Are they recruits?" I asked, I saw Ela getting angrier. So I guess so. We got a bit closer, "Hey baby girl, you new here?" one of the recruits say. Some members of the café had stopped to see what was happening, Doc had gotten up but was dragged back down by a lady with a skull on her face. "Ignoring us now?" the recruit asked.

Reaper still said nothing. The recruit then slapped her. I could sense the anger rising in myself. "You see there's a hierarchy round here, and I'm at the top." The recruit said. "Are you cleaning your guns?" he said as he poured Grease over the D50. "Oh shit." Was all I managed to say when she stood up. I tried to rush over to save the recruits face, but I was too late. She punched him that hard he actually went out cold and slide on the floor about 3 meters away from where he landed. The other recruits went to attack but she quickly dispatched them. I then saw her get frustrated and take the D50 apart to clean it.

"How did she punch him that far?" I heard therapist say. I then heard Ela lie. "I have no idea." We walked over to her, after I checked the recruits were alive. "{You ok?}" I asked. "{Could be better, I had just cleaned this one. This just lowers my trust of them.}" she said back to me. "Well, the recruits are ok, they will live. Unlike the others who disrespected them guns." I said to Ela and therapist. "What happened to the others?" Ela asked. "they can no longer walk, talk, or eat without help. Those guns are very special to her. The D50 was Dragons and the Keratos was Jesters." I said. "Who are they?" Therapist asked. "I might tell you later, if I don't die." I said to him "{Tell him if you want, Ela trusts him. Don't tell him about me being her sister though, or my name."} Reaper said to me.

"Well an outside source just said I can talk about it, so ill tell you the story." I told Therapist the story, I heard a little sniffle from Reaper. She just sat there cleaning her guns.

"Can Operators Osiris, Reaper and Ela come to the briefing room."

I watched as Ela kissed Therapist then Shantelle, then gestured for us to follow her. Reaper wrapped up her cleaning equipment, put it in her bag, then followed. We met harry in the Briefing room.

"Hello Ela, Osiris and reaper. We have eyes on an outpost which has several hostages and valuable information for us to use. It's in Poland, Wroclaw. Ill send you the address during the flight over. If you can capture a target, do so. Dismissed." We nodded and went to grab our equipment and got into the Plane, as we sat down and started getting comfy, then a German got on plane, "Sorry for being late you three, we will be taking off soon." He said, he quickly moved up to the cockpit and got ready.

"You can trust Marius. Mostly." Ela said. "Why mostly?" I asked in a hushed tone. "Him and Bandit like to pull pranks on people. That's why its mostly. They are harmless, usually. Only damage going to them when people beat them up." She said. "I heard that Ms Bosak." I heard him shout from the front. "You were supposed to Mr Streicher." She said with a little chuckle. We took off and Reaper fell asleep against my shoulder.

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