Chapter 7: The Second Mission

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(Reaper PoV)

I walked to the briefing room, I met Gustave half way there, I gave him a slight nod and we walked together. We were the last ones there. We entered and Harry sent me a death stare. I'm glad I was hiding my facial features because I was doing the same. Whilst I was there, I cleared my File and all copies he had made. He doesn't deserve my trust at this point.

"There is some information at a hospital in America, the white masks had attacked it about a year ago. Now its been rebuilt but the white masks are back again. And we need to wipe them out and collect all information, the server farm is in the basement, the white masks have hostages. Get in there, clear them out, and get me that information."

We loaded into the Helicopter and took off.

"So, I don't believe we met properly." A scotts man said with a hammer. "My name is Seamus, or sledge. And this old geezer in Mike, or Thatcher."

"I'm not that old Sledge." Thatcher said. "I'm only 61." He said. That got a laugh from Sledge and Doc. Zofia was just staring at me. It was kinda creeping me out.

"She is Reaper, she doesn't speak so don't worry about that." Gustave said for me. Thank god he's here.

We landed a couple of hours later in front of the hospital, but I got flashbacks.


I looked out of my room and saw Osiris lay there on the floor, everything was on fire. "Leave this place." Was all the robot said? I rushed over and picked him up. I was then outside of the hospital looking into it, fire erupted from every window. Then I was in my base about 2 months later, Osiris just showed me the footage which made him half destroyed in the hospital. My CO Betraying us.

(End Flashback)

I was on one knee, my 416-C was on the floor in front of me, I looked at my hands and they were trembling. "Reaper, you ok?" I looked to my side and saw Doc. He rushed must have rushed to me when that flashback happened. "We have been calling your name for about 5 minutes, I don't think your eligible for this mission." He said to me.

I just looked at him and nodded, I then wrote on a piece of paper that "I am going in, as I need some answers of my own." and I passed the piece of paper to Doc and walked in by myself.

I could see the crude Barricades that the Terrorists put up. I walked around the side and found a way into the Basement. I walked down and set up a breaching charge. "[Reaper, get back here. Your suffering from PTSD, you need to come back before you get yourself killed.]" I heard a panicked Zofia say. I just didn't respond. I set off the breaching charge and rushed in, killed some white masks with a quick burst from my 416-C. I then rounded the corner and found the Server farm, and the security room. I saw that they have kept a backup of the tapes from over 2 years ago, when the hospital was built. I started scanning through the footage to find the footage from that night.

That's when I felt a gun press to the back of my head. "I knew harry was right, you are a spy. What have they done to my sister." I heard Zofia say, the others came around the corner. They heard what Zofia said. "Spy?" Sledge asked. "Zofia, why would Elena be a spy for the people who killed her friends, who killed the people she considered family?" That's when the security footage scanning stopped and we saw the screen light up.

"Sir, this is morally wrong, I refuse to kill innocent bystanders. All they did was help the wounded. They don't deserve to die." We heard Osiris say. "Are you disrespecting a Commanding Officer, Experimental War Robot - 114?" My Old CO said. "Yes I fucking am, I refuse to kill these innocents." Osiris said, stepping in front of his brothers to protect the doctors. His mini-gun barrel started spinning up.

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