Chapter 12: The Rest (Ending)

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(Reaper PoV)

After showing six how I escaped, all the information I took from them, and the prisoner I caught. I decided to head over and find Ela. But the thing is, she found me first. I turned around and saw her dive at me, I tried to catch her but she had already floored me and was hugging me to death again. "Ela.......Air........Please." I begged

"No." She said. It took sledge and thatcher to drag her off me so I could breath.

"Phew, I'm not dying yet." I said, "Right, so the prisoner is my Old CO, I thought he had died but it seems like the White masks kept him undercover till the dust settled from what he did." I said to Six.

"I'll get Caviera on it now." Six said. "And do we know who orchestrated the Hereford base attack?"

"I believe it was him. As he asked for me to personally surrender and he would, pull out all of his men." I said to six, "But I haven't confirmed anything yet, oh and before I leave, take this Hard drive, it contains anything the white masks had on the servers in that base before I destroyed them." I passed the Hard drive over to Six.

"Thank you, ill pass this over to Grace so she can comb through it. Well done Reaper, and congratulations on escaping." Six said to me. I nodded and turned to Ela who was waiting there.

"Why did you give yourself up Elena?" She said, with anger in her voice.

"It was either risk myself getting tortured or risk the death of multiple injured operators, I chose to risk myself." I said to her.

"But why, why did you leave us again? I actually thought you was dead again." I saw her starting to tear up. I just got closer to her and hugged her. We stayed there for a bit. "Come on, let's get some food. I'm fucking starving. I haven't eaten in a couple of days." We walked to the Cafeteria but picked Marius and Osiris up on the way.

We sat down to eat and just shared laughs. People was confused on how I had escaped, so I decided to show them, I brought out the Fireflies, and showed them what they can de, as EMP, Fire and Healing form. After they had found out about the Nano Bots I nicknamed Fireflies, I decided to get up and leave, once I did Marius followed me, he handed my dog tags back to me.

I just closed his fist. Then dragged him back to my Dorm. I locked the door told, told Osiris to not come back to the Dorm. Then slowly started undressing in front of Marius, he started doing the same.

(Ela PoV)

I was trying to find Elena, when I walked past her Dorm and just heard Moaning, I smiled and decided to check on the interrogation.

"Hey Caviera, Has he broken yet?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, he fucking sung when I pulled out the knife. It really no fun." Caviera said. I just laughed.

"So six is in there with him right now.?" I asked.

"Yeah, with two Guards. We are actually getting some good info from this prick." Caviera said.

I decided to leave them and find Y/n and my child.

(Reaper PoV, The next day)

I woke extremely happy. I looked over to my side and saw Marius. I decided to go for a shower. After the shower I dried off and got dressed, I then decided to sit down and watch some TV, Marius just woke up and jumped into the shower after I got out.

Once her got out he sat down with me, I cuddled up to him again. "What should we do today?" I asked him.

"I don't know, I'm not up on any raid missions, neither are you. We could just chill." Marius said.

"Id like that." I said.

"Can Operators Ash, Montagne, IQ, Ghost And Śmierć come to briefing."

(I had been writing this book in the background, i decided to just finish it then upload it all as one, I hope you liked it.)

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