Chapter 11: Captured

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(Reaper PoV)

I woke up attached to a chair by rope. Then my CO walked in. "Hey Elena, Long time no see. You know I'm still hurt you would betray me the way you did."


"Now now reaper, that's not how you talk to a superior. Let me just grab my tools ill teach you some manners." He left the room. Now's my time to escape. I quickly used the Fireflies to burn the Rope, took longer than I wanted but I was free, I saw a vent above the chair and a grate in the corner of the room. I quickly opened the vent and then went into the grate, I slowly lowed the grate cover over my head when I heard him enter the room.

"ALL HANDS, REAPER HAS ESCAPED. BRING THAT BITCH TO ME." He screamed into a radio. I waited for him to leave for me to climb down into the sewers properly. I then walked around under the base, I slowly climbed up a pair of ladders and found myself in a different cell, but the cell door was unlocked. So I quietly moved the grate cover out of the way and slowly exited the Jail cell.

I saw a white mask patrolling, I waited for him to get close enough, I snapped his neck, dragged him into the cell and took his weapons and clothes, to use as a disguise. I dumped his body in the sewer and moved towards where the rest of the equipment I had on me was. Which I was guessing the armoury.

I moved towards the armoury and quickly grabbed my stuff. I then felt a gun pointed at the back of my head. It was Dragons D50.

"I knew you would have come back for this." He said. "Now you can die knowing it was by your beloveds Hand cannon." My CO said.

I closed my eyes and I heard him pull the trigger, I only heard a click. Weapon jam. I quickly took this opportunity and disarmed my old CO and knocked him out quickly. I then un-jammed the D50, grabbed the rest of my belongings, like my Keratos. And tied and gagged my old CO, I then carried him towards the server farm. Once I arrived, I quickly dispatched off the guards, downloaded the information to a hard drive, and the destroyed the Servers. I then left through a window with my hostage/meat shield.

I slowly moved across the street with my hostage and meat shield. Forgetting I was actually dressed up as a white mask. Until I felt a gun hit me on the back of the head. I fell to floor and turned to see my attacker, it was fucking Thatcher.

"What the fuck Thatcher?" I said, still oblivious of being dressed as a white mask.

"How the fook do you know my name, white mask?" he said aiming the gun at my head.

"White mask? Wait, shit I'm still wearing my disguise," I said, he looked confused as I took the white mask off. "Its me you old fool." I said. My old CO thought he was actually going to escape. Until I pointed at him and said, "And he is a real white mask."

That's when thatcher turned his gun on the CO. he then got shoved into the back of the car and Thatcher and I drive back to Hereford. "So how did you escape?" he asked me.

"I created some new additions to my cybernetics, one of these were Fireflies, little nanobots that can set things on fire. They knew not to put me in chains or handcuffs, because I would have just snapped them, so they used rope, not knowing about the fireflies, so I basically burned my way out, then snuck around, knocked out the cunt in the back. Then you almost killed me." I said to him, as a quick summery on what the fuck happened. "To help me sneak I killed a white mask and took his clothes. So I could fit in with the white masks at their base."

"Jesus Christ, you've got one hell of a debrief to give six." He said with a quick laughter. "Quick question, Why did you give yourself up for us? You've not known us for that long."

"Because I believe what you do is good, and it's a family here. And it was the only other choice I saw when I saw more than half of the fighting force I had was injured." I replied to him.

"Fair enough." He said. "We are pulling up to the base now."

(Marius PoV A few minutes prior)

I was with Ela, she's been none stop crying fir the few days That Elena was gone. I must admit I was crying myself. I decided to get up and grab food for me and Ela. Once I had left the Dorm area, I held Elena's Dog tags in my hand, I started to silently cry to myself. I headed over to the cafeteria.

I saw that Thatcher had just pulled up, which was strange because it was his day off. I walked over to see what was happening.

"Hey Mike, I thought it was your day off?" I asked.

"It was, but I ran into someone." He said, as he said this I heard the boot close and saw Elena walk around the Car with a Hostage. She just dropped the Hostage and ran at me. We sat there hugging each other.

"I thought you were dead." I said whilst tearing up. We just hugged each other for a bit. Until thatcher broke us up.

"Sorry to do this, lovebirds, but we have a new prisoner and Reaper here has a debrief with six. And maybe a change of clothes before the rest of the members kill you by accident."

"That's a good idea." I said to thatcher, I dragged Elena off to her Dorm. She got changed then we walked to Six's office. I decided to let her go to six whilst I told Ela that Elena was back.

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