Chapter 5: The Sisters Reunite

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(Reaper PoV)

Zofia was slowly dragged towards mine and Osiris's Dorm. She was on guard the entire time. I don't blame her, we are pretty much dragging her to a place she probably doesn't want to go. We arrived at the Dorm and she sat down on the Sofa, Ela sat down next to her. And Osiris got another chair for Marius.

"Dlaczego tu jestem?" Zofia said, quite angrily. "Ponieważ musisz coś wiedzieć." I said to her. She looked shocked. "Let's speak in English so Marius can understand." I said to her again.

"What do you need of me you silent freak?" Zofia said to me. "You wouldn't be saying that if you knew who she is Zofia" Ela said, slightly angry.

"Then who is she?" Zofia said. Even angrier. "I am Elena Bosak. Born the 23rd October 1979." I said to her. She looked back at me shocked. "You can't be, Father said Elena was dead." She Shouted at me. "Keep it down, I don't want people I don't trust know. Zofia, Father lied. The night I left we had a massive argument. At the end he told me I was no daughter of his, I then shouted back saying you were no father of mine. So I got my stuff, tucked you two in then said my goodbyes to you two. Then I left." I said back. Trying to hold back tears. I took of my Balaclava to show her my face. She then ran at me for a hug.

"Gdzie byłeś przez te wszystkie lata? (Where have you been all these years?)" Zofia said. "Ameryka, Wielka Brytania, Niemcy, a nawet Rosja. Byłem prawie wszędzie, ale prawie nikt nie wie, kim jestem. (America, Great Britain, Germany and even Russia. I've been almost everywhere but almost nobody knows who I am.)" I said to her.

After we had finished Hugging, she slapped me. Hard. "I deserved that." I said, rubbing my cheek. But one of my gloves was off, so she noticed the Mechanical Hand. "What happened to you?" She said, a bit worried. That's when I noticed the mechanical hand was showing.

"Ummmm....... Nothing that bad." I said, trying to hide it. Marius was quite surprised as he hasn't seen it yet. "It is clearly something Elena." Marius said, he grabbed my hand carefully and lifted up my sleeve a bit to show the rest of the cybernetic arm.

"What has happened to you?" He asked. I had to tell them. I held out the D50 and Keratos. "I lost both of my arms and legs due to a suicide bomber. My old CO pretty much forced Gustave to complete the surgery, after Gustave got the go-ahead from the board." I started crying. "I lost 3 people I cared the most about. Jack "Jester" Miles, Reily "Dragon" Blitz and Mark "Demon" Yuedo. The D50 was Dragons, and the Keratos was Jesters. I tried to save Dragon from the suicide bomber but he sacrificed himself to protect me. I had lost my arm and leg in the explosion, but my other arm and leg was filled with that much shrapnel they had to amputate them." I started crying really hard.

Zofia came up and started trying to console me. "I still see them, in my dreams. And my nightmares." I said between sobs. I had both of my sisters on each side of me. Marius was in front of me at this point. "Who knows about your Arms and legs?" he asked. "Doc and the people in this room. That's it. I don't trust anyone else." I said. Slowly calming down. I wiped my tears off and left the room.

(Osiris PoV)

Reaper just left the room, the rest tried to follow her, I just held them back. "No, let her have her space. She gets like this a lot and just needs space when it happens. After about 30 mins I will find her." I said. They all nodded and sat down. "So, when was you going to tell us about her condition?" Ela asked me. "I was waiting for her to tell you, I'm a robot I don't know many emotions, I may be sentient but I'm still a cold machine." I said.

(Reaper PoV, 1 hour later.)

I was on the roof of the training sim Building. I saw Ela and Zofia enter the building. I then see 10 recruits enter behind them. I decide to get up and walk to the roof access to meet them mid-way. That's when I heard some shouting.

"Come on Baby girl, its time for us to have some fun." "GET OFF MY SISTER YOU LOW LIFE." "Awe, don't shout at me like that, soon you will leave that husband of your for me."

Are they ...... trying to .......? Oh fuck no. I rushed down the hatch and saw my sisters surrounded by the recruits. They were both in a fighting stance.

"Aw don't fight back baby girl, I know you want it." one of the recruits said before trying to grab Ela. She punched him in the face for his attempts, "Bitch, get em boys." He said as he fell backwards. I watched as the recruits pulled out knives. Now its my time to act. "{Osiris, Get Therapist and Marius to the training sim. Now.}"

I jumped into the middle of the recruits where Ela and Zofia were. The recruit went to Slice me, I grabbed the knife and snapped the blade, I then stabbed it into his leg. Another recruit stabbed my arm but only revealed my cybernetics. He then started stuttering as grabbed the knife from his hand and stabbed him in the leg. Another recruit went for a stab into my gut but I dodged it and Knocked him out. then a recruit managed to get a stab into my leg, apart that wasn't cybernetic. It fucking hurt but I pulled the knife out and threw it at him. It stuck into his arm and he passed out. I then heard a scream and saw as two recruits held a Gun to Ela's and Zofia's head.

"Fucking leave now or these two get it." he said, pushing the gun further into Ela's head. I looked around for an opening but there wasn't one. That's when I see that Ela had her Mines on her. "Sorry You two." I said quietly as I armed the mines, they exploded a few seconds later and I rushed in and knocked out the recruit that held Ela, the recruit that held Zofia was stunned enough for Zofia to flip them over her head and knock them out.

"What the fuck happened here?" I heard therapist say. I turned and saw Osiris, Therapist, Marius and Doc waiting there. I pointed at the Camera. Then walked out. Zofia and Ela quickly said thank you to me and I just nodded as I Left the Simulation room. I walked back to my Dorm and decided to put my stuff down. I undressed and sorted out the stab wound. I then got into a pair of jeans, an A7X T-shirt and a purple hoodie to hide my cybernetic arms. And a pair of gloves for the Hands.

I walked to the Café to grab some food, I still had my Balaclava on under my hood. I grabbed a plate and sat down. I lifted my Balaclava up and started eating. I saw some recruits come closer to me, clearly enraged. I got up and put my plate down, then one of the recruits decided to grab me and put a gun to my head. 

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