Chapter 10: Hereford Base Down

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(Reaper PoV)

Once Marius had woken, we decided to go out to get breakfast, on our way we grabbed the other three, we went to a local Breakfast place. Then Ela got a call, it was from Monika. She walked away from the table and went outside to answer it.

"Hmm, didn't think Monika would be calling us on our day's off." Marius said. "She does have a soft spot for all other operators, especially Mark if your get what I mean." Y/n said. "Yeah y/n, they are together, you know. They have been together for about 6 months now." Marius said. Y/n looked shocked.

"I didn't even know." He said. "Well they don't exactly hide it mate." Marius said. That reminded me when I walked into the workshop and they both looked like they just got dressed.

That's when Ela came back in. "Six is calling us all towards the Grom base. Back up Rainbow HQ. Hereford base has been taken over by white masks, this time they are dug in deep. They have captured some operators, them being Mute, Thermite, Pulse, Ash, Bandit, Blitz, Ghost, Hibana and Clash." She said. We quickly paid and went to the car and set off towards the base.

After about 1 hour, we had arrived. The remaining operators were already here, as we arrived we saw My grandad talking to six, he looked pissed but six looked calm. It was her usual stance, the ability to be calm even though the world is literally burning.

"Ah, Welcome you 4, and Shantelle. Has IQ told you about what's happened?" Six asked. I was the first to step up. "When do we save our Team?" I asked.

"Not yet, unfortunately, they have managed to take over the entirety of Herefordshire, so our ability to get there unseen is impossible." Six said. "Operators, gather around me."

"Its not impossible, Me, Alice and Osiris can turn invisible. Vigil can be invisible to Cams, and Reaper is literally a super soldier." Y/n said. "That's your team right there, and we wont call back till Hereford base has been retaken."

"That's honourable Y/n, But we can't get to Hereford base." She said. That's when Grace stood up. "Yes we can, Harry asked me for an escape tunnel for himself, secretly built. That escape tunnel is impossible to find from the outside unless you know what you're looking for. And that escape tunnel leads from Your office to a house near the edge off Herefordshire." She said. "That's how our team will get there. And then they can destroy the White masks from the inside out."

"That's a good idea grace, then it seems we have our plan. Alice, Therapist, Reaper, Vigil and Osiris. You are team 1. Doc, Grace, Montagne, Twitch and IQ. You are team 2. You will both insert from the same point, but after that team 1 will exit the office building and head towards the armoury, whilst Team 2 secures the Office building and then radio the rest of the team in. Whilst Team 1 locks their access to our weapons and ammo, the rest of us will move in and take them out 1 by 1. Then we get our base back. And our team." Six says.

"Right, Lets set off. Grace, give team 1 and 2 access to the new plans." Y/n said.

"I don't have the new plans, I deleted them off my tablet and its locked behind a high-level clearance. Which means if I hack it I can be executed on sight. Harry made sure I knew that." Grace said.

"Then they can try to execute me, Grace, set up the connection, I will hack it and also wipe our files of the hard drive, and download them to a backup." I said, some people were surprised to hear me speak. "The silent wonder speaks. Madam Director, Me and Celestia will be on team 3, along with Mozzie, Gridlock and Rook. We will Help take the armoury, then we will head over and start clearing the Dorms." Demon said.

"Right, that's our plan. Team, we leave at 9 Am tomorrow." Six said, packing up and leaving.

"Right, So pub anyone?" Sledge asked.

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