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"Okay. We're going to start with some simple hand to hand combat." I said looking at Jorge across the room.

He was wearing a black t shirt and basketball shorts. "None of that sounds simple to me," he said with a huff.

"It will be fine. Just throw a punch at me." I said obtaining a fighting stance.

"What? No. I don't wanna hurt you." He said biting a nail.

"Well what else did you expect. You won't hurt me just. Come on."

He raised his fists and threw a punch to the side of my head. I reacted quickly blocking his fist. I twisted my wrist grabbing his forcing it down. I swiftly knocked his feet out from under him sending him to his back.

He was breathing hard. "What the hell just happened."

"I blocked you and took your feet out." I mentioned calmly slightly laughing.

"No duh." He said getting up.

"You asked." I said shrugging. "Okay. I'm going to teach you to do that."

He groaned and put his hands in his face. "Benji I can't do that."

"Yes you can just trust me."

He rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"Throw a slow punch at me."

He did and I blocked it showing him how. I grabbed his wrist and explained how to knock someone's feet out.

This continued for about an hour before he finally had it down.

I threw a punch at him and he blocked it twisting my wrist and taking my feet out.

I landed on the mat with a thud and smiled. "Not bad sweetheart."

I got up and began teaching him a different move. He was gonna be great.


After about 5 hours of training we were both dripping sweat and tired.

"You did great!" I said smiling at him.

"Thanks. I'm gonna be sore tomorrow," he said arching his back stretching.

"Yep. First days the worst." I said laughing. I guided us back to the elevator and we headed back up to my suite.

It was around 3:00 pm and I was thirsty.

I grabbed two water bottles out of the fridge and threw one to him.

He caught it and fumbled a little bit. "We need to work on your catching skills." I said teasing him.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay whatever."

we sat in a comfortable silence until Jorge broke it. "So. who wanted to see you the other day? you never told me."

I sighed. "My ex. she's pregnant with another mans baby and has the audacity to come back here and ask for money from me. She cheated on me. That guy is lucky I have better things to be doing because if I ever met him he'd be in a ditch six feet under." I said getting angrier.

Jorge took in a breath. "Damn."

"Yeah." I said resting my head in my hands.

"Well I'm going to get a shower. See ya." he said throwing his water bottle in the recycling on his way out.

"Same time tomorrow mister!" I yelled after him.

He mumbled something sarcastic and shut the door behind him.

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