Chapter 10: Someone Found Out

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Kathleen's POV

Oh no is that the killer coming towards us? huhuhu I don't wanna die single. I still have my crushhh

Me: Oh noooooo we're gonna dieeeeee

The footsteps still ongoing

Raymond: Shush guys it's coming

We all closed our eyes and wait for it to come. Oh no this is it, the footsteps are gone and I can feel that there is someone standing before us. I don't want to open my eyes. Our time has come, goodbye my beloved crush. 

"GUYS?" someone just talked and when we heard it we suddenly scream like it was the end. Ahhh it's here.

Clievy: Woah chill guys, it's just me

Everyone sighed in relief when we found out that it was not a killer but just Clievy wooh.

Jazzie: You almost give us a heart attack Clievy

Remcel: Yeah don't do it again

Joan: I feel like my soul is gone haha

Everyone jokily punched Clievy.

Clievy: I'm so sorry guys haha I didn't know you will react like that HAHAHAHA

Christian: Haha yeah and since we're done, lets go find Colin

Clievy: Let's go to the emergency room, I have things there that we might need.

Jazzie: Yeah maybe we can find some flashlights there

Everyone went blindly to the emergency room.

Jameslie's POV

We were walking to the emergency room until Nelly falls in front of me.

Me: Watch where you going

Nelly: You're the one who's blocking my way

We were busy arguing who's fault it is then Kathleen place the light of her flashlight to us.

Kathleen: Guys will you stop fighting. Come on, we don't have much time and there's only one flashlight left so here you go.

She gave the flashlight to us well to me because I've touched it first until Nelly claimed that it was hers. We fought over the flashlight until it fell to the ground. Tsk, it's her fault.

Nelly: Look what you've done

Wow she blames it on me, it's not my fault though.

Me: It's your fault

Nelly: My fault?? You're the one who's----

Before she could say something, good thing Jazzie interrupted her fiesty mouth.

Jazzie: Guys will you both stop fighting? Lets go find Colin.

Andrea: What if we separate so that we can easily find him

Joan: Good idea, I'm already worried

Kathleen: Here, get this. Jazzie and I will just gonna share a flashlight

She handed her flashlight to us. We started looking outside then badluck hits me because I got Nelly and Clievy on my side. Well Clievy's good but Nelly? Nah I hate that girl. We started arguing again to the point that we didn't notice that Clievy's already gone.

Me: And now where's Clievy? Look what you've done. We lost him.

Nelly: Hmmp let's just separate to find him

Me: Good idea because you always annoyed me

So we seperate ways and I found Clievy.

Clievy's POV

Nelly and Jameslie are fighting again so I got the chance to leave them and bury Colin so I went to my secret place to get a shovel and Colin's dead body.

Jameslie: Hey Clievy, here you are I thought we lost you. Wait a minute *he looked at the dead body* Is that Colin? You killed----

Before he could finish his words, I ran towards him and hit him with a shovel. He fell lifeless on the ground and I whisper to his ears.

Me: Sorry bro I don't want someone meddling my business and anyone who will try to meddle with my plans cannot survive hahahahahaha *evil laugh*

I continue digging and make a room for the two of them. Oops Colin looks like you've got a company hahahaha. I went back to my secret place and put X to the face of Jameslie using his blood just like I did to Colin.

Nelly's POV

When I'm alone, I felt scared and goosebumps. Maybe it was a bad idea to be seperated with Jameslie so I went to what path he took and there I saw everything.... How? Why? What? There's a lot of questions in my mind. How could he do that? It's like he's just killing an animal. As I saw everything, I run as fast as I could because I'm scared that I might be the next victim. Clievy what is on your mind?


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