Chapter 17: The Past Between Clievy and Joan

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Joan's POV

Ugh why is my surrounding so noisy and why is my body so numb? I slowly opened my eyes and I saw the four girls trying to untie me. Wait I'm tied in a chair? Huh? Why am I tied in this chair? I can't remember what happened to me. I completely opened my eyes and asks them.

Me: What happened?

Anjie: Oh Joan you're awake. Thank goodness!

I ignored them and look around then I saw Clievy's body.

Me: Is that Clievy? Who did this to him?

They don't have the right to kill him! I quickly went to Clievy's body.

Kathleen: I-I did

Me: WHAT? Why did you do that to my ex boyfriend?!

Them: HUH?!

You read it right, Clievy is my ex-boyfriend and I still love him. I know I have a boyfriend and yes I do love Colin but Clievy is different from all the boys. He can't be dead noo.

Me: I still love him but you killed him and now he is gone

I felt anger is arising from my body. He killed him and now I should kill her. I saw a knife beside Clievy and I will use it to kill her. I need to avenge my ex-boyfriend.

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