Chapter 14: Bye bye Nelly

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-----------IN THE MORNING-----------

Kathleen's POV

*Groans* Ouch my head hurts. Ugh why did I drink a lot last night. I wonder how is everyone. I went to their rooms one by one to wake them up but they are not in their rooms, maybe they are downstairs by now.

Me: Good morning guysssss. Oh! Just the three of you? Where are the others?

Jazzie: We don't know uhm maybe they are still in their rooms

Me: No, I've checked all of your rooms to wake you up but all of you are not there so I was thinking maybe you are already up

Andrea: That's odd, all the boys are gone

Anjie: Yeah and I didn't saw Joan too

Me: Omygosh so where are they? Clievy and Nelly are missing too.

Jazzie: Our population is slowly decreasing. Am I next? Oh no

Anjie: Shh guys stop thinking too much. Maybe they are just outside the house.

Then we heard a knock from the door

Me: Maybe it's them come on

We run to the door quickly then Anjie is the one who opened it.

Anjie: Hell---o... You again?

Old man: It's not who you think it is, you're just thinking too much and didn't know the real one.

All of us: What----

Before we could utter a word, the door slams hard.

Jazzie: What the heck??

Me: That old man again

Anjie: Ugh he's such a creep

Andrea: I wish we could ask him some questions.

Then we heard someone knocks at the door again. Is the old man back? I opened the door and and assumed that it is the old man.

Me: We need some answers old.......Oh nelly it's y--------

I didn't finish my words because she bumped me and went straight to her room I think. After she was gone, Andrea said something.

Andrea: Is she the killer?

Anjie: Lets kill her before she will kill us

Me: Woah woah! Are you sure with that?

Jazzie: Kath, I know this is hard for us but you know I can sense that something is not right about her.

Me: But..

Anjie: Kathleen accept it or not but it is obvious that she is the killer.

Me: What if we're wrong? What if...

Andrea: And what if we're right?

Anjie: It's do or die okay?

Nooo I don't want to kill her because she's my bestfriend and I don't want something that will happen to her but what if they're right, what if she would kill me. She has a lot of changed lately. Before, she's so talkative but now she doesn't want to talk with us anymore. It's like she is hiding something from us and she's afraid that we might find out. She is such a walking mystery.

Anjie: Kath, are you listening?

Me: Huh? what?

Anjie: I said let's kill her. Now, go get a knife.

Me: Uhh me?

Andrea: Ugh she's not  listening. I'll be the one to get it.

Andrea went to the kitchen to get a knife and I still can't believe we were going to kill my very bestfriend. She is back with a very sharp knife, a knife that could end a life. We slowly  walk towards Nelly's room and slowly open the door of her room. Everything is dark and she is sleeping peacefully.

Anjie: Look she's sleeping so it's our chance to kill her

And of course she's whispering so Nelly would not wake up.

Me: Guys is it final, no second thoughts?

Andrea: Shh just shut up Kath, go on kill her.

Me: No, not me. I don't want to kill her. Anjie, it's your plan so you kill her.

Anjie: Yeah it's my plan but I didn't said that I should be the killer.

Andrea: Come on just kill her before she could wake up

Jazzie: Ugh shut up guys! Stop pointing at each other. Okay fine I'll be the one to kill her tsk

We were suprised because Jazzie took the knife and said sorry to nelly before she stab her right through her chest. The face of Jazzie is filled with blood and regrets. Right after she killed her, the lights started to flicker like crazy and then the old man showed up.

Old Man: Look what you've done, search for the evidence in this room and you'll find out who.

The lights went off and turns on but the old man is gone . 

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